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Had a total invasion this fall. Vacuumed them up until I couldn't take it anymore.  Finally gave up and sprayed with Raid. A couple of sprayings seems to have taken care of the problem. Actually, the same solution got rid of the ladybugs last year. I sprayed around all of the windows and doors after trying all other remedies. It's nice to go for organic solutions but sometimes the problem requires more drastic measures.

The Osage oranges do work but are too hard to come by. I'm putting in a couple of trees this year but it will be years before I get any fruit.

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Vacuum and be glad that before they met their end in the machine they lived on bugs that fell into their webs.  


You can get Osage Oranges at Farmer Smith Greenhouse in Brookville.  I don't think they will grow here, however.....


It takes ten years to get fruit IF you succeed in planting a female tree and have a male nearby.



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There are large Osage orange trees along West Liberty road near Rathmill. They grow  fine here. The wood was favored by the Indians for making bows at one time. I have a type of them growing in my yard.

They grow in Clearfield, as well. They were grown as hedgerows but kind of disappeared when they stopped dividing fields.

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I was  once told  osage oranges are good to put around places to keep spiders away if interested i know of a tree   that has them....

Locally? And would the owner mind someone picking them up?  I had a bunch two years ago and found that they worked fairly well. The Raid is is coming out again today. The spiders especially like the corner over the computer.

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