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DLE1950 last won the day on March 28

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About DLE1950

  • Birthday 09/06/1950

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  1. Nobody seems to remember America before Al Gore. He was the king of the green movement. The North pole is still there. We still have plenty of oil and gas if we were aloud to use it instead of bowing to the middle east for our needs. I'm old enough to remember when you could hardly see the next block in Pittsburg and the smell of the Johnsonburg paper mill clear down in Henderson township. And how about the slag piles at the local mines burning.And like so many others I've managed to live through it all. And as for the weather it is all natural cycles. And to think the younger generations believe all the false hype. It is all the Lords will. Nothing happens with out his say so. WAKE UP AMERICA IT IS ALMOST TO LATE TO BE A FREE AMERICAN. Thank you Al and Joe.
  2. Hitler had his brown shirts. Biden has his illegals. Think about it.
  3. I'll just keep my old Rockwell Delta. It works well and at my age it will last longer than me.
  4. Thanks everyone. I was begining to think it had something to do with the Herm Scandle.
  5. Is anybody else having this problem? When trying to get into Go Dubois or the Courier I get this message (The connection to www.godubois.com is not secure). It is only when I try to get on Dubois pages.
  6. Only the American voters can clean the swamp.
  7. I heard the governor of California is throwing his hat in for president. Are they not related??? She looking forward to bigger thing I he would make it
  8. And all because their famous resident fell off his bicycle.
  9. I can't believe they are talking about buying his contract out. Hasn't he takin enough money from the city? Fire his ass and throw him in jail. You know they would if it was you. Or are they afraid we will find out who else may be involved in his scam?
  10. 1/6/2020 The day AMERICA and FREEDOM started a slow and agonizing death. GOD help us all.
  11. I seen that Bennett farms above Bigrun has their high tunnels for sale.
  12. Just like daddy , a disgrace to this country of ours.
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