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11 Human Foods Dogs Can Eat


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11 human foods dogs can eat and 5 they shouldn't
Whether you're tempted to feed your pet the occasional table scrap or simply looking to supplement his doggie diet, here are good foods and bad foods for Fido.

It's OK to give your furry friend a treat from your plate now and then. (Photo: Scott Barron/flickr)

MOTHER NATURE NETWORK, OCTOBER 8,2014-------We know it's best to avoid feeding man's best friend with table scraps, but sometimes those puppy-dog eyes get the best of us and we can't resist slipping them a treat from our plates.
But just because a food is good for us doesn't necessarily mean it's safe for dogs.
Here's a list of dog-approved people foods, as well as some items you should never share with your canine companion.
Keep in mind though that every dog is different, so try these foods in small amounts, and if your dog has a reaction to any of them, consult a veterinarian.
Do-your-doggie-good foods
  1. Peanut butter: Giving your dog the occasional tablespoon of unsalted peanut butter is a treat you can both enjoy. It's a great source of protein and healthy fats for dogs, and it's a perfect photo opportunity for you.
  2. Yogurt: High in protein and calcium, plain yogurt is an ideal treat for dogs, especially if your pooch suffers from digestion problems. Make sure you opt for yogurts that don't contain added sugar or artificial sweeteners.
  3. Oatmeal: Oatmeal is a good source of fiber, making it great for dogs with bowel irregularity issues, and it's also safe for dogs with wheat allergies. Before serving it to your pet, cook the oatmeal and don't add any sugar.
  4. Chicken: If your dog requires extra protein in his diet, cooked, unseasoned chicken is an easy addition to his regular food. It also makes a good meal replacement if you're out of dog food.
  5. Salmon: Dogs can benefit from omega 3 fatty acids too, so slip some cooked salmon into the food bowl for a healthier, shinier coat.
  6. Broccoli: This vitamin-rich vegetable can be a great occasional nutrition boost for dogs. However, it shouldn't make up more than 10 percent of a dog's diet as it could cause gastrointestinal irritation.
  7. Pumpkin: You can serve your dog pumpkin
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I can't get out of the kitchen right before I go to bed.  The dogs blockade the doorway till I shell out the carrots!   They like apples and pears too.  Our last dog used to go own and lay under the tree eating pears till he was full.

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