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Arrest of Dubois City Manager John “Herm” Suplizio


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3 hours ago, Petee said:

Who is Shannon Gabriel?


Past DuBois city council member who resigned after she made a motion to fire the disgraced solicitor and no one else would second her motion. And she is the sister of a Pittsburgh attorney that received a voice mail from our disgraced solicitor asking him to keep his sister under control. She has been the only person in this drawn out saga with this mess that has shown any kind of backbone.

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13 hours ago, BillyC said:

Past DuBois city council member who resigned after she made a motion to fire the disgraced solicitor and no one else would second her motion. And she is the sister of a Pittsburgh attorney that received a voice mail from our disgraced solicitor asking him to keep his sister under control. She has been the only person in this drawn out saga with this mess that has shown any kind of backbone.

she plays both ends toward the middal.

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On 10/25/2023 at 7:59 PM, BillyC said:

Past DuBois city council member who resigned after she made a motion to fire the disgraced solicitor and no one else would second her motion. And she is the sister of a Pittsburgh attorney that received a voice mail from our disgraced solicitor asking him to keep his sister under control. She has been the only person in this drawn out saga with this mess that has shown any kind of backbone.

she was a middalar ,,,, did she roll on JHS ???

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I agree everyone has a right to due process. Still, there is every indication of lots of improper acts as we all agree. My question is when will these additional arrests come? Does the two-tier justice system so prevalent in our country apply to City officials too? One admitted in public to obstructing an investigation, yet nothing has happened. I am frustrated, discouraged, and angry.

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When multiple governmental entities have charges against an individual, there is a proper progression of legal processes in which they do not cause opportunities for the guilty to use court errors to have charges dropped.  It takes a lot of time because they don't just bump aside other trials.  It is all done in good time and as evidence appears or becomes useful.  

It makes us all crazy but it's the best use of education and achieved skills.

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7 hours ago, BillyC said:

I did hear yesterday that the current mayor and the head of the public works for the city have been subpoenaed and have to appear on Tuesday Nov 14 in Pittsburgh at the federal courthouse in front of i believe is a grand jury. 

Even more Attorney feas going to the city`s defense for these two ; whom they associated with the one and only manager who supposedly was embellezing funds while on the clock ( for many years ) and are these feas collected by the city`s own attorney ??? ........ it all smells ...... if true !!

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18 hours ago, redmill said:

Even more Attorney feas going to the city`s defense for these two ; whom they associated with the one and only manager who supposedly was embellezing funds while on the clock ( for many years ) and are these feas collected by the city`s own attorney ??? ........ it all smells ...... if true !!

I would have to believe that many were complicit in the crimes we know about--and likely benefited from it in one way or another.  The better question is what ELSE has happened that the AG's office and Feds don't know about--yet--at least not for sure.  I think that's why they are still poking around.  

Someone probably should have pled guilty early on instead of giving them extra time to dig deeper.  

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On 11/8/2023 at 2:50 AM, BillyC said:

I did hear yesterday that the current mayor and the head of the public works for the city have been subpoenaed and have to appear on Tuesday Nov 14 in Pittsburgh at the federal courthouse in front of i believe is a grand jury. 

It`s when the FBI came to town , " they got it all and now , know everything ".......sez a famous ex-pres.

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12 hours ago, Petee said:

I can't wait till they get to tell the gambling part of the story.  That's why money was stashed in the ceiling of the United Way.

boxes had the monies from the gambling parlors they owned all over DB City ya mean ?? 

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