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Be careful driving in Brockway today.


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seems PA driving rules have gone out the window today with some of these clowns.

To those entitled drivers I met today. You do not own the road white line to white line. That middle yellow line in the middle is put there for a reason. It separates the lanes. Just a reminder for the driving challenged.

When there is a driver sitting at a stop sign waiting for traffic to clear and they have their turn signal on indicating they are turning and you are across from them and had just gotten to the stop sign, like at the intersection of third street by the post office, then wait your turn and do not get all mad and huffy because you do not know the rules. Just because you are in a hurry does not mean you get to go first. I hope they never drive down Beaver drive. If so watch out for these clowns.

I was calm except to the person  at the stop sign. I waved my arm in the air in a stop  you nimwit manner and just shook my head. haha


Sorry for the rant  

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Idiot drivers abound.  Every time someone runs a light or stop sign in front of me I blow the horn long enough to let them know that others around them are watching them.  I know it doesn't mean much but at least I try to make them a little more conscious of others.  Nothing ventured, nothing gained. 

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Petee I know what you mean. I have in my life been very intolerant and very vocal both visually and yelling. Now however I just shake my head most times. I have curtailed my anger etc. It does no good and only rises my blood pressure and lord knows I don't need that. So I take things in stride but I still need to get rid of the anger and so I vent here haha and voila I feel so much better then.

I hope everyone has a safe and happy Thanksgiving tomorrow.

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