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Everything posted by Bon

  1. I bought another purple one and saw a red one today, so they both came home with me. I really like these plants. The purple one is full of flower buds ready to pop open!!!
  2. I bought a yellow lilac and it died. Wasn't real sure if it would grow here or not ... but I know I will never buy another one. Our purple, white and red lilacs are getting ready to bloom within the next week.
  3. Terro also has the granular stuff to put outside to kill ants.
  4. Hubby cut back and burnt our tall grasses yesterday. I also cut the remains of my peony from last year...didn't do it in the fall :-/ trimmed the dead stuff off of my rose bush today. Looks like we both had a busy day!!! We also took a ride to our property and sprayed the fruit trees for insects. I have a feeling my hands are not going tp feel very well tomorrow...my back already aches....I LOVE SPRING!!!!!!!! ;D
  5. I planted 21 containers of Petunia's, Impatien's and Pansy's today. Also 10 cacti so we can plant them on our bank by our driveway. Also found a bunch of bulbs I bought but forgot about, so they got planted in my huge oval planter.
  6. Zoned for 9-11. I would have to take it in and out.....I don't think so.
  7. That is really neat...wonder if they sell them around here, or if they Can grow here...must do some research. ;D
  8. Go to lowes or wal mart and buy moss control.
  9. what is a pineapple lily? Never heard of it. Very nice pics!!!!! ;D
  10. The one from Lowes is already coming up. I put it in a container last year, then put all my pots in the basement for the winter. But the one I planted 2 years ago never grew...I think it gets too wet in the area I planted it.
  11. I will not give up on the toad lily. The one I bought at Lowes last year was already blooming. This will be the second one I try to grow from a root ;D
  12. I bought 11 canna's yesterday....can't wait to see what they look like when they bloom!!! Yellow King Humbert, Wyoming, and a bag of mixed. Debateing weather to plant them in with the red ones I bought last year or put them in another container. I also bought a bag of strawberries, another toad lily and a bag of african daisys. I planted kolorabi, beans, corioupsis, a cardinal vine and left over daisys from last year 2 days ago. I can't wait to see green stuff growing and different colored flowers everywhere!!! I've got the fever.... ;D
  13. Those are really nice pics....Thanks for sharing!!!!
  14. I love the burgandy poinsettia's!!!! I like the double ones even better, but are hard to find. I really dislike the painted ones. Why someone thinks the purple, blue and yellow ones are pretty with the glitter on them just blows my mind. They do not say Christmas.
  15. Our last weiner dog thought tulip bulbs were a treat also. I planted 150 black and red tulips bulbs and she ate quite a few of them. So watch out for your dogs also!!!!
  16. Now that's a tomato plant! L.A. Rotheraine (at top of plant), Randy Johnson (middle) and Brandi Buck (right) supervisor, look over the 10 1/2 foot cherry tomato plant. If there is no frost in the near future, the plant could reach 12 to 13 feet tall with over 2,000 tomatoes on it. The plant was grown at Evergreen Elm garden on Elm Street and is called Open Pollinated Secke Biodynamic Cherry Tomato. For more of this story, click on or type the URL below: http://www.bradfordera.com/articles/2007/09/14/news/doc46e9e88f767c3012359902.txt
  17. So, you are saying I should clip the stem off right below the pods. Just like dead heading flowers.
  18. That thing is huge!!!! I like the flowers. I bet the humingbirds and butterflys really like them!!
  19. ok, got a question. After the flowers died off, a kind of fuzzy thing is growing, where the flowers were. What is this, a seed pod? It's neat looking. I never grew Canna's before, so I'm a little stupid when it comes to this flower. I'm still getting blooms on the other one's.
  20. can I dig up my bulbs now that I have in containers. Some are way to heavy for me to lift.
  21. any one wants some rose of sharon, come get them...they produce like crazy in our yard...we give 100's away every year. pm me and I will give you directions
  22. I don't even like poppies...lol, just didn't know what to do with them. ;D
  23. They are up about 1/2 inch. With the weather that we have had the last week, I'd say that was cold...lol.
  24. I got a free packet of red poppy seeds in the mail and planted them with the canna's. Wonder if that was a mistake???? I didn't know I would get baby canna's this year.
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