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alexandria last won the day on March 8 2022

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  1. Funny that No Republican that won their election in 2020 felt that the election was rigged! It seems the MAG rule is The election is rigged.. unless I win! The news is fake.. unless its flattering... Everything is a Hoax... unless Trump said it...Nepotism is bad...unless its his family...Trump said he is rich... but you can't see his taxes...His said he is smart... but you can't see his grades...He says he is a sucessful business man... but many of his businesses go bankrupt...He is innocent.... but he is suing to keep the records from the January 6th committee! And many of the people he picked are under investigation for fraud or in jail AND he says he hardly knew them! 

  2. I don’t know where you have been GD for the last 3 years but we don’t have honest elections. The machines are rigged and elections stolen. No, I won’t be providing sources. That is your job …to find non MSM sources for researching..the secret word is. …Non MSM
  3. Well, if no one voted, the globalists would find a way to take over...it would be an easy communist takeover...done
  4. Oh boy…get ready…every “ drill” then turns into the real thing…
  5. alexandria


    LUME! I can't stand any LUME commerials! UGH! AAHHH! #%###^! Use baking soda if ya got a problem..and what they call ...a shower won't hurt either!
  6. Maybe he was driving across the town to get some Scotty's donuts...???
  7. No arrests...no warrants...nothing. America is getting attacked from within. WEF /China is after our farmland. Watch the people in EP get forced out of the area as the govt will eventually condemn the area. This is a land grab as the criminal regime tries to get people into those "15 minute Cities." Time for the militias...
  8. Maybe if they raise up an Ukrainian flag, the government would arrive and start throwing money to the residents to help them
  9. It will be the wife. That is the plan.she was illegal here until she married him.I read her father is high up in his country’s CIA..not sure of the county…Brazil??? It is about planting the wife, deep state, in the govt.true? Dunno
  10. I really enjoyed all your pictures. Growing potatoes in the laundry basket is a great idea. I never thought of that. Thank you for sharing! Your yard is lovely. Is that a pool I see? Nothing like a swim on a hot day. God bless
  11. I had the same problem too...reverted back to my Gain until I find another recipe.
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