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Everything posted by JHalo

  1. I am so lucky to finally have a boyfriend who is dedicated to me.

  2. Happy Father's Day to all the Facebook father's on here. And also happy Father's Day to my father and my boyfriend, they are both awesome father's. :)

  3. A headache from yesterday lingering today, that's what I get for skipping coffee.

  4. It has been a very rough week, I'm so glad it's about over not used to 9 hour days. :( pain and fatigue SUCKS!

  5. Sleeping in tomorrow-exhausted

  6. 9 hours of watching kids, than off to the spa tonight. :)

  7. Brrr! Cold, and wet out. :(

  8. Watching little ones

  9. So neat, having met Bret Michaels been close to him a second time than watching him on tv and thinking wow I met him. Lol!

  10. 1 more pedicure to go

  11. Well Dan and his parents made it into Va from Florida last night and will be home today, looking forward to this much needed time together.

  12. Thank you everyone for the birthday wishes, I couldn't have asked for a better group of friends and family.

  13. Happy birthday to me my bloodwork came back showing high cholesterol for a second time, lol. 137 is where it should be and mine is at 207.

  14. So bored, I miss my baby. Morgan is with her father now until the 22, ( much needed time with him ) and I'm not used to quietness. :(

  15. Ok I'm really not digging this rain, my sacral joints are hurting so bad I can barely walk. :(

  16. Enjoying a pedicure paid by boss. -relaxed :)

  17. In a few days the love of my life is coming home and bringing Daniel who I have yet to meet.-anxious

  18. Omg, Dan has me laughing so hard tears are coming out of my eyes.

  19. With my angel Taylor Taylor Wascovich

  20. Need restraunt advice, Taylor and I are trying to decide?

  21. This once a year pulling the fridge and stove out to clean is gross especially after you just get done eating. - feeling nauseous

  22. Most annoying summer peeve: the humidity making my lanolium and hardwood floors sticky. Yuck!

  23. I am now in suspense..... Dan told me he has something he wants to tell me when he comes home, supposedly good news. I have to wait 9 days, wth this will be nothing compared to the 6 months I waited to meet him. -ecstatic

  24. Really missing my man right now,

  25. Puppy bathed, dishes done, gonna mulch some when the sun starts going down. Too Hott to be outside!

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