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Status Updates posted by JHalo

  1. Well I guess it was my furnace turn to not have heat.

  2. One of my peeves!

  3. Mother daughter time, much needed.

  4. Hahaha, really!

  5. Rare finding, hold onto him if you do find this.

  6. Why lie when it's easier to tell the truth than have to retell the story later. -unknown-

  7. Getting alot accomplished!

  8. Bf gave me a 230$ nuwave oven he only used once, I'm liking the new toy.

  9. Yay, carpets scrubbed! Much more to do. Love my house!

  10. Well girls are going to the homecoming tonight, momma may just scrub carpets and have wine.

  11. Awesome day, 2 compliments at work! It's not often a person gets compliments.

  12. Don't know wether to be happy or not! Time will tell.

  13. So much on my mind, my head isn't allowing me to go to sleep.

  14. It may take a year or so to clean the woodwork in this house with Murphy's oil, but it will get done.

  15. My heart is breaking tonight because my grandfather is really not doing well and it is going to kill me when he passes on. Pneumonia and his congestive heart failure are attacking him right now. He is on oxygen, can't stay awake nor even talk and make sense. He has been a big influence on my life his humor and love keeps us all going.

  16. Just randomly walked into the kitchen to my oldest doing this weird dance with her pointer fingers in the air and she said she got cold water on her face while washing her hands and it scared her. I think she gets that from her father.

  17. Let the season begin, I was sick all day yesterday now it's Taylor.

  18. Daughter less all weekend and haven't went out for months if anyone is going out and doesn't mind my company let me know.

  19. Thanks to Marie Osman making me so beautiful today the most hilarious thing happened. As I'm walking through a parking a have a guy telling me how beautiful I am while a guy in a vehicle waiting for his chick to get in is turning his head like crazy making sure his chick doesn't catch him staring at me.

  20. Hard to believe how heavy I was just 2 years ago wearing size 14-16 and today I tried jeans on and am down to a 8. What a wonderful feeling for my ego. Now I need to tighten up my baby pouch.

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