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Posts posted by ROLLTIDE15

  1. Time for an update. We have had a lot of rain this year and it has really hindered my planting. I have attached a picture of my cages in use. I put black plastic down around the plants as well as in between. I HATE WEEDING. I will hopefully take pictures later after they have some size to them.


  2. NO STAKES, NO SUPPORT WIRE. Like Ron Popeel says...SET IT AND FORGET IT.   They will last a very long time. Hog wire is very durable and lasts. Now you don't have to use that type of wire. I had a whole roll given to me so I used what I had to make what I needed. I have 20 cages now so I am now putting extensions on them to make them about 5-6 feet high. Hog wire is also very hard to deal with. The top and bottom wires are really thick and it's about all I can do to cut it with wire cutters. I think most of the commercial cages rust quickly because most of the off season time they are stored possibly on the ground and rust sets in and that is all she wrote for them at that point.

  3. And the tire part should help with weeds! Looks like a good idea.

    It does. I also put black plastic down around the plant to help keep weeds out inside the cage. The weight of the cage helps hold it in place. If you don't want to use plastic, newspaper works well too. It will allow water to get to the plants when it rains.  Of course I think ya'll get enough rain up there. Actually, last year I NEVER watered my plants. Only during the first couple of weeks just to get the plant established. After that I just let nature take its course. Contrary to popular belief, they do not need much water. That is usually what causes most problems with them.

  4. My truck happens to have 16" rims. That makes for a decent size cage. Cut the wire to where it is slightly bigger than the inside diameter of the tire. Twist the wires together so the cage is secure. At the bottom, bend the last section of wire in slightly, (see the arrow), this makes it easier to insert through the tire. Once it's in straighten the wire a little bit, and BAM! MATER CAGE! I have never had to tie them down or anything like that and I have never a cage fall over. If you try this, set the cage on the ground and grab one side and see how far you have to tip it to get it to fall. Even tipped over 45 degrees the cage springs back to the up right position. All you have to do is set the cage over the plants when they are still small enough and your done. If you do try this please let me know how they work for you.



  5. Since spring is coming up I just thought I would share how I make tomato cages. It also address the use of old tires. I usually get my tire shop to give me my old tires when I get new ones. The wire I am using is hog pen wire and it's only 4 feet tall. If you have some other wire that is taller it can be used as well. I am using it because it was given to me and Frugal is as Frugal does. I am very frugal, my wife calls me cheap, but that's for another thread. The first picture is cutting out the sidewall. As you can hopefully see I am cutting right where the tread meets the sidewall. There should not be any steel belts there so cutting is fairly easy. To make it easier, pull the sidewall,(my left hand), to create some separation tension. A good sharp box cutter will virtually slide right through. For all you "Boy Scouts" out there, I know I am cutting towards myself, but just be careful. I will do this in several posts because I am fairly new to this forum, so I am not sure how the pictures will do all together.


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