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Stations of the Cross Series, Station #7, Friday, March 22nd by Fr. Ben Daghir & Luke Daghir

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One Thing, Jesus Christ.
Stations of the Cross Series, Station #7, Friday, March 22nd by Fr. Ben Daghir & Luke Daghir

Editor's Note: Fr. Ben Daghir and Luke Daghir will have 14 articles based upon the stations of the cross. The 14th article will conclude on Easter Sunday.  

The 7th Station: Jesus falls the second time.

The way of the cross is difficult. We will fall more than once. We will stumble. It is very easy to get frustrated once we have fallen a second time. The first fall is often overcome, but the second can be too much to bear. 

The temptation is to remain down on the ground and be overwhelmed by the onslaught of fears, worries, concerns, doubts, and darkness. We have all been in this position; every sinner knows this onslaught of darkness. 

Have we heard the following words before?... “It’s too hard.” “You can’t do this.” “You are not strong enough.” “You are weak.” “You’re a failure.” “You don’t have it within you.” “You’re not enough.” “You are not worthy.” “You are not going to get back up.” “You are alone.”

Each person endures the onslaught of darkness in slightly different ways, times, and circumstances. Nonetheless, we all experience the onslaught throughout our lives. 

We may choose to avoid the onslaught with this approach: “I will take care of this stuff tomorrow.” We may cave in and believe the onslaught to be true. We may retreat to a safe place (television, fishing, exercise, work, shopping, etc.)  and just push the pain, confusions, and temptations down the road. We may try another approach that is not mentioned above. 

So, how do we respond to the onslaught of temptations as Christians? I recommend the three-step process of St. Ignatius of Loyola which is grounded in Jesus Christ. 

Be aware - notice what is happening in one’s mind and heart. We need to take a closer look at our thoughts, feelings, emotions, actions, relationships, dreams, worries, doubts, concerns, stresses, anxieties, hopes, and desires. One must look at one’s entire life. We have a maxim for this - “know thyself.” 

Understand - come to know what in our life is from God and what are temptations. In other words, which thoughts and actions lead to joy and which lead to sadness, which endure over time in happiness and which lead to frustration, and which build communion and which fall into isolation. 

Receive or Reject - this stage is where we “take action” in the Christian life. Once we know what is of God we must receive His promptings and stirrings within our heart. Likewise, once we know what is not of God we must firmly reject these. 

Throughout the Gospels Jesus is aware, understands, and takes action[receives/rejects]. A perfect example of this is seen in the desert when Jesus was tempted by the devil (Matthew 4:1-11). Jesus also trains His disciples to overcome temptation. 

The process of being aware, understanding, and receiving/rejecting is at the heart of the Christian faith. Is this ongoing process of discernment difficult? Of course, we will fall. Jesus knows this and says, “In the world you will have trouble, but take courage, I have conquered the world” (John 16:33). 

After we have fallen, we stand up because of Christ. We overcome sin through Christ. We carry our cross when we receive Jesus and we reject sin. 

I recommend the book “The Discernment of Spirits” by Fr. Timothy Gallagher for those interested in this approach of carrying the cross. I also recommend his podcast “Discernment of Spirits.”

“We adore you, O Christ, and we bless you; because by your holy cross you have redeemed the world.”

Fr. Ben Daghir is a priest for the Diocese of Erie. He is a graduate of Elk County Catholic High School in Saint Marys, Saint Vincent College in Latrobe, and St. Mary's Seminary & University in Baltimore, Maryland. He considers writing one of his favorite hobbies.


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