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Article #3 -  Seventh Series - November 27th, 2023 by Fr. Ben Daghir


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Article #3 -  Seventh Series - November 27th, 2023 by Fr. Ben Daghir

Editor's Note: This article is a summary of a homily by Fr. Ben Daghir to the DuBois Central Catholic School System. The homily focuses on Jesus Christ as the breaking in of the Kingdom. 

Today’s Gospel shares these words from Jesus, “I must proclaim the good news of the Kingdom of God, because for this purpose I have been sent.” Another word for “the Kingdom of God” is “Heaven.” Let’s focus on Heaven. 

I would like to challenge all of you: close your eyes, keep them closed, and point to where you think Heaven is. Alright, now keep pointing and open your eyes. Look around at everyone’s answers.

99% of people are pointing upward toward the sky. Yet, look at me. Where is my finger pointing? Interestingly, I am pointing toward the ground, toward our world. So, where is Heaven?

Heaven is not up in the sky, just beyond the clouds. Heaven is not behind a planet such as Jupiter or Saturn. Heaven is not, to use a phrase from Star Wars, in a galaxy far, far away. Rather, Heaven is much closer than we think. Heaven rushes into this world through Jesus Christ. Where Jesus is, there is the Kingdom. Where Jesus is, there is Heaven. 

What is Heaven by the way? 

Heaven is the eternal embrace of humanity and divinity, of us being in union with God. In Jesus we encounter Heaven because He is where humanity and divinity meet in a remarkable embrace. Where do we find Jesus and this union with God and humanity? 

We encounter Jesus in the Church through the sacraments and wherever two or three are gathered in His name. Also, we encounter Jesus in another profound way - in our neighbor. Jesus says, “Whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me” (Matthew 25:40). In other words, we see and encounter Heaven rushing into this world when we help a classmate, when we lift up a teammate, and when we are there for someone in need. 

Heaven, therefore, isn’t in another galaxy but rather in our midst. God’s love for us is so great that we don’t have to point toward a far off land to search for Heaven. Instead, Heaven is rushing into this world through Jesus Christ who is with us. 

Where Jesus is, there is the Kingdom. Where Jesus is, there is Heaven.

Fr. Ben Daghir is a priest for the Diocese of Erie. He is a graduate of Elk County Catholic High School in Saint Marys, Saint Vincent College in Latrobe, and St. Mary's Seminary & University in Baltimore, Maryland. He considers writing one of his favorite hobbies.

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