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Posts posted by dsmyhubby

  1. As much as I'd love to see this pan out as real...I highly doubt it will.  Dyer hoaxed before and promised to hoax again.  


    Musky?  Don't have a clue who he is, or whether he is even believable..so his claims hold no wieght with me.  


    All in all...would be nice to have it all pan out..but then again..would be nice to have the Ketchum report out and published...but that's gpoing no where fast also.

  2. Oh yeah...and when I was on the Minnows Film company website today I looked throgh a list of the films they have out...documentary low budget types...but anyway..one was about the guy last year that had the exotic animals in Ohio that left them all lose and then killed himself...remember they had to put down all those beautiful big cats..and foufn the owner partly eaten by them.  Might be interesting if you can figure out how to get a copy.

  3. Oh they have seen him and they have proof, they just cant show us now....reminds me of a kid i went to high school with. He dated a model from a different school, of course no one ever saw her but she was smoking hot and they were in love.



    NO NO NO NO NO!!  That was Manti T'aeo last month...lol  (name spelling can be wrong)


    If you think the drama we've posted about here is a lot, you shold read on the Bf sites...we've only touched on a smidgen of the stuff going in circles with this story.  BF stories like this don't happen all the time, so they can be fun to watch unwind and unravel.  anytime I see Dryer and/or Biscardi's name mentioned it's a clue to go pop some popcorn and get ready for the show.




  4. I've repeatedly asked you for links where you read, but have yet to get one....??


    I'd love for them to prove they are right...BUT there are so many "buts" to the whole thing.  


    So if there was a squatch in a cooler...why would the/hey invite a joe-six-pack-sceptic-FB-psydo-name-poster to come and verify it instead of someone with some creditedtials in zoology, biology or some other science field?  Dyer's own site is a paid per click site, and he's said at one point that he's made more money off this then he did on the '08 BF in the cooler hoax.  He could very well be paying Musky to help him.  Again..who is Musky really other then a fake name on the internet...real name and creditentials would go a long way in being believable.  Google Musky Allen...you get nothing other then the BF stuff of recent...not like when you google Ketchum..you can find out that she is a real person with degrees, a business, etc.


    I've been on the FB/FB site and every picture/blobsquath/camera phone/obvious fake video that they put up they scream "This is the real thing!!!!!"  Kind of like the tv show Finding Bigfoot" that proclaim every time a stick breaks in the woods that "Oh THAT'S definately a squatch!!"   Seems to just make a mockery of the real scientific work that is going on.  Any wonder why people roll their eyes at big foot believers.


    You just seem to get so gungh-ho about every story that comes out as though THIS ONE is proving it all to the world.  There have been many of these stories over the years, and I've learned it's just better to sit and let them pan out..so far none have turned out to be anything conclusive.  Some are more credible than others...some turn out to be admitted hoaxes.  (BF in the cooler...the tracks path a few months ago with 100+ tracks, etc)


    The ONLY thing giving this "dead body in Vegas" story any credibility for me is that Chris Noel has said he believes it to be true.  (though he feel for the Enoch story also).  I'll just wait and see, but doubt if I will be spewing to the masses what an awesome news-breaking science-changing story this is any time soon.





    Minnows is doing the film on men obsessed with finding monsters, and Dryer was a bit player in the whole thing.  It is about the human's obsession, not about the so-called monsters themselves.  I am guessing they camped with him, got their story on HIM and are now distancing themselves from him and his wild story because they know it didn't go down like he's claiming it did.  They are taking their snippet of his life and moving on with the rest of their story...though it might make good after-notes about how so many other people obsessed with BF are so quick to believe a known hoaxster a mere three years later.


  5. And who is "Musky Allen" and why should anyone believe him?  Just saying.  He claims to be big in the BF world, but no one seems to have ever heard of him until about last week....lol   Again, just be careful how much stock you put in anything connected with Dyer.  Maybe Minnows Films figured him out and distanced themselves from him for a good reason.  And dyer now when he talks of a film doesn't mention Minnows either..but still talks of a film to come out.  You do realize Dyer has his own film company, right?


    Musky Allen claims they invited Meldrum to view the boDy and he declined unless his usual fees were involved, whioch they refused to pay.  Meldrum claims he never spoke to them about any of it.


    Sorry, though I didn't wacth the video..we have the mobile wi-fi and are restrictd on how much we can use each month...usually plenty until we start streaming video..so I try to save bytes for two kids in HS and what they need for school work.  From chatter I've read on the vider there is still much iffy.


    So now Musky is saying there was an exit wound...in the neck.  So Dyer claims to have shot it in the head...exit wound in the neck would be a downward path....just how tall is Dyer that he would be standing at that angle over an 8 FOOT BIG FOOT!!??


    I'll hold my excitement on this one in check...along with the excitement I've been holding in check over the Ketchum report for a few years.  If they come out proving it..wonderful...but I'm not going to be their cheerleaders until then.



    Good point made here:












    Ugh, I wanted to distance myself from this whole fiasco, but these latest events have struck a nerve.  Let's take it from the top.


    1.  Bigfoot comes into RD camp

    2.  RD shoots bigfoot in the back of the head.....with a 30.06

    3. Shenanigans commence with various players

    4.  "skeptic" views body and confirms legitimacy

    5.  Before we proceed, let's go back to #2

    6.  "skeptic", after viewing the body describes eyes, nose, and prominent brow ridge


    Does everyone here have a good picture of what the exit wound would look like?  RD claims to have shot this creature at close range, in the back of the head, with a 30.06.  Unless it was at some impossibly weird angle, there is no face left to analyze, let alone a brow ridge.

  7. The one I'm finding intersting atm is the Sierra kills...though the dna showed bear.  What he claims happened could really have happened, and he has a witness that was with him backing up his claim.  The piece of flesh that they found and tested was actually found about 5 weeks later, under feet of snow and about 70 yards downhill frm where he thought the kill happened.  So it probably has nothing at all to do with anything.



    Did you read the report about "Daisy" or 'Squatch in a box"  today was the first time I came across it....supposed live one caught in a trap..of course they released it w/o showing it to the public...this was supposidly last week.


    Biscardi is not connected with them from what I read. Rick Dyer was at the camp site with filmers for minnow film when he shot the bigfoot. Allegedly the filming crew has footage of the Bigfoot taking the bait and filmed the shooting of animal. Minnow films has since broke off relations with Rick Dyer for unknown reasons. The film will be out this may, we will have wait and see.

    Rick Dyer was actually the guy that did the "BF in the Cooler" hoax....Bascardi backed him up on it before the truth came out (hoax!).   IF Dyer was the supposed shooter in the movie...how can they be distancing themselves from him?  Can't have it both ways..or do they realize they got duped by a know hoaxster...or two?











    Redwood City, CA  / PRBuzz.com / October 4, 2011 - - In early October, 2011, a crew of British filmmakers from London based Minnow Films, will be traveling to America to film a Bigfoot Expedition that will include evidence and testimony about several Bigfoot sightings and an alleged Bigfoot shooting.


    The expedition will be led by Tom Biscardi of Searching for Bigfoot, Inc. of Redwood City, California (www.searchingforbigfoot.com).





    PLEASE do not pin your hopes and dreams on these two yahoos!  Stay calm.  Most of these things panning out atm have some serious flaws in them.  

  9. Where did you get all that info?  Most is iffy at best, IMO.



    I read that the dna in the Smelja case came back as bear.   Also Meldrum has come out and said "no body",(he was present wen they returned to the site and collected the "steak: sample) and he is one I tend to believe...IMO the most credible BF researcher  out there atm.


    The Ketchum report was to be released "soon" five years ago.  And the way I understand it was declined by all US science magazines, and is under peer review only for a Russian magazine, and quite possibly not even a science magazine but more a "National Enquirer" type.


    Rick Dyer is a known and self-admitted hoaxer in the BF world.  he has little to no creditability left.


    Many many other questionable things on your post...I wouldn't get your hopes up so soon..nothing has happened in the last thirty years to prove the existance, it ain't happening any time soon.


    Matt Moneymaker is about as credible as any other reality tv program participant.  He doesn't even have a degree in any science field.


    (and did you cut and paste all that?  If so..from where?  I'd like to see this site and who's it is)


  10. Matt Moneymaker is the nutjob...as far as I know he's went to school to be a lawyer but never passed the bar.  Others in the field of study...ex. Meldrum is highly accredited in biology, zoolgy, etc and other science fields.  Loren Coleman is another, I think. Ketchum has degress in DNA analysis.   There are many reseachers and research groups..you'd have to be more specific to actually answer that.  some have degrees in primatology, some in vocal/sound recognition...others wear tin foil hats and claim anything they hear is "squatchy".


    And I think you were being funny with the "science of fictional creatures"  but look up cryptozoology...lol  

  11. My previous post was meant to state that there are numerous "Slob" hunters out there who wouldn't care if this was the last of its kind.  There needs to be clear laws on the books and severe sanctions (such as those for killing eagles) to ensure that if one is found a killing does not happen.

    Texas Big Foot researchers (don't remember the real name of their organization...TBFR?) say it is their intentions to bring in a body.  They are working in an area that they claim is inhabitated by a tribe/family/group and they take months at a time and keep researchers in the area.  They claim to have hit some, but didn't bring them down.  


    A quick search showed me WA state had a law against killing one, but another site said that law has expired.  Don't have time to dog deep..gotta get to work,

  12. http://cabelasstrangesightingsweekend.weebly.com/


    Feb. 15, 16 and 17th.



    The Cabela's Strange Rare and Unusual Sightings weekend continues to grow and is now a three day family friendly weekend event that is open to the public with FREE ADMISSION and will take an indepth look at strange, rare and unusual animal sightings and experiences occuring in the forests and the wild outdoors.  Authorities and researchers who investigate these claims and reports will be on hand to discuss these encounters and sightings sharing photos, audio and video evidence of what they have discovered.  


    Hope the weather holds because I would love to hear Dr. Jeff Meldrum speak!

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