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Posts posted by Gilb3314

  1. Something told me not to give him tylenol, He's been in since our walk and didn't eat anything that he shouldn't have that I know of,. I'll call a vet tomorrow morning if he isn't any better, doesn't seem to be shivering now. I don't really have a vet, I had him neuteredd in Clfd at the spay neuter clinic.

  2. I have a cockapoo, that i got a few months ago, Very Active and healthy. Today we went for a daily walk, (well, not on those cold cold days) and he seemed fine all day. now he is shivering and lying down, I covered him up and he seems to be sleeping, but still shivering. Do dogs get sick like people? Like maybe he has a fever and shivering, but doesn't seem hot to the touch. Can animals take tylenol? I don't want to give him anything that will hurt him, but maybe a little childrens tylenol would make him feel better? Ive had dogs before but dont remember them actually seeming sick. I knew something was wrong when he wasn't following me all around. TIA

  3. Glad this got bumped up.One of the first things I did was make laundry detergent when I joined here. Haven't done it for awhile, but think I will when I get mine used up, but the Sears powder is good and lasts for a long time.


    Another thing that fools you is the 2 liter bottles of pop. Sometimes I see the 1.5  and think it's 2 liters and a good price, but  not. And toilet paper doesn't fill the holder anymore either, like it used to. it's about 1/2 inch shorter.

  4. My tulips are in the ground, Then I had Cannas. They did well last year, but I didn't have them in a good spot this year and was late planting them.


    I followed the instructions to a tee. The lady there was nice, but he was a jerk. I used the wire part of a rabbit run which was over 3 feet long, put it over the cut off tree and filled with mulch.

  5. My hubby bought me a banana tree at the above named place in Falls Creek. I planted and mulched it according to their directions and it did not survive. They do have them there and winter them over, but mine didn't work out, I told them about it and it was my tough luck, they had lots of little ones there, but they wouldn't replace it, well after my rant he did offer to replace it and I told him where to stick it. so I don't buy there any longer. $50 was a bit much for a tree that lasted from JUly through the fall. I even bought my mulch there and used to buy lots but no more.


    I don't bring my tulips bulbs in and they come up every year. Iris' doing great and are reproducing like crazy. Cannas or callas, whichever I have didn't do well this year, I think I will just let them out and start over next year, maybe just dig a few up.

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