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  1. I would be doing the work for my son, he will just be helping. My father was an avid square foot gardener, so I have some experience but it has been quite a while... I didn't realize my son would be interested but he's a good age to start (8). We are thinking of planting: green beans, snow peas, peas, carrots, tomatoes, potatoes, garlic, and perhaps zucchini and pumpkins (I never have done pumpkins but he loves them). I am hoping I can start some of these right from seed? I will probably be buying the tomatoes from a pretty well established plant at this point. Where does BUDS sell their plants at? Do you know the dates yet? Thanks!
  2. My son has decided he would like a garden this year. So my question is this - Is it too late to start seeds indoors? I was seeing on some charts that in the next few weeks you would be moving them outdoors, so we'd be pretty late with that step. I am hoping to plant organic or heirlooms. If anyone has any advice I would appreciate it. Also does anyone have any seed companies they have used successfully in the past for heirlooms or organics. Thanks!
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