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Posts posted by kikibaugh

  1. I'm so sorry sweetie, I know it's hard. annabelle must be a dog at the shelter? I mentioned before that one would sense your sadness, I know it doesn't take away all the pain but it made you feel good for the moment. Poor Precious, when Sly passed, it took almost 2 months before my Sally stopped watching out the window for him to come home, she was so sad and depressed. But my Ben who was just a pup at the time some how won her over and brought her back to her lively, queen "biotchy" self that she is (even at almost age 11!) That summer Ben actually got Sally to go swimming in the swimming hole we always go to, now she swims right beside him! Before she never went past her "ankles" in the water, probably because Sly HATED water lol. Give Precious extra love and attention, she is grieving as well. Ben and Sally send their condolences as well. Again, I'm sorry for your loss but at least now Chewy is pain free and most likely frolicking about as he crosses the Bridge to doggie heaven.

    Thanks :) Yes Annabelle is an adorable little black Taco Bell dog at the shelter. She is such a cutie. I have been babying Precious but she is really bummed. I took her to the park when I took Madison this morning. She loves car rides so we ran some errands too. I feel bad. I sat and talked to her about it, even though I'm pretty sure she didn't understand :)

  2. I'm glad to hear you are healing well. I will keep you in my thoughts as you and yours go through this. Did you guys make the paw prints? How is your son? Is he aware of the upcoming? I feel for you, I tried to take bereavement days when Sly passed but ended up having to take personal days of vacation (employer did not see him as family, go figure, when I saw him as my 4legged blonde son) Being around the other dogs Thursday will most likely be painful but with the disposition of dogs at least one of them will "sense" your sadness and make you smile. *HUGS*

    I was a wreck today. But I got home and my son and I went to GHS to get my schedule. We ended up walking and playing with the dogs, Annabelle gave me tons of kisses and made me feel a little better. Dr Miller was very kind today and really made everything a little easier. But I still miss him terribly! Tyler (my son) is handling it well. Better than me. Precious has been searching the house tirelessly since we got home. I know she misses him too.

  3. We had Chewy put to sleep today and I feel horrible. His pain meds were no longer working and he could hardly move. I know it was necessary but it still feels terrible to have to make the decision :(


    I'm very sorry for your loss.

  4. I'm so sorry to hear this news...will be thinking of you in your time of loss. How are you doing post-surgery?

    I am healing up well. Going back to work on Thursday. I have been spending lots of time spoiling Chewy and sitting on my butt, but I need to get back to normal soon. I am hoping I will be ok at work after Wednesday. Not sure what that will be like with all the doggies :(

  5. Animal Hospital of DuBois over by the mall is AMAZING. They have been so awesome with my Chewy. I doubt they will advise amputation, but I could be wrong.


    We have used "vet tape" it's kind of like a self ad hearing ace wrap on Chewy's tail before.

  6. Have you ever heard of the Rainbow Bridge Poem? It is a beautiful way to help children and adults be reassured at that time that their loved family member is crossing the Bridge to a similar idea of Heaven that many hold dearly. I absolutely love the "paw print" memorials that the above posted, it may help your older child. Your younger child most likely won't recall Chewy, only from what she is told later when looking at pictures, sad to say. Asperger's doesn't have to make it more difficult, just how you go about explaining it. As with the death of human you would explain that you and the doctors have tried everything possible but "John's" time here with us was over and he was called to Heaven to move onto his next life.( Or however in your beliefs would explain death). I understand your dilemma, and as Bon said, most likely, this will be harder on you and your husband, as children's memories are shorter, but not saying your son will not experience emotional pain and loss as well. I'm hopeful you have been keeping him as informed as child should be in this situation so that when that day comes, he is more ready than without prior knowledge of the illness. Answer his questions (as he will have them) as gently as possible but don't hide the truth. Death is a natural part of the life cycle of all beings on earth, and this may sound "morbid" but this is a pet and not grandparent or parent or sibling etc. You can always "bring home a new pet" but your son is at an age he may remember this event. Make it special but don't dwell too much on it, THAT is how you will scare him. As for taking him with you, that is a judgment call you as his parent has to make. If you feel you will be strong enough to be there as he has to process what he has just witnessed, then in my eyes okay. But the way you describe your own pain, and after what we went through this weekend ourselves, then I say no. Also consider cremation for your pet, yes it costs money but you can chose to bury the urn or any other things you can think of. We had our Sly cremated 2 years ago and I must say it was less emotional on us because the vet takes over, you don't have a body to carry home and bury. two weeks later, we received a beautiful urn and a certificate of passing. Mom had both of her recent ones cremated and after years of digging huge holes (we have all large dogs) and the emotion that entails, she agrees, this eases some of the loss. I am sorry again, I know how difficult this whole situation is, and I express my deepest condolences to you and your remaining family. Try to enjoy these days, I know when my Sly was "slipping away" it was one of the most difficult 5 days I have ever endured. It happened so fast with him, one day running around like a nut with my puppy, the next day, not able to walk and convulsing. I am going to share a pic of the last day he was here and able to go outside, I love this picture because he looks so at peace with what is about to happen.... sly.jpg

    Thanks for the advice and thank you for sharing :)

  7. Sooo... I am trying to be optimistic about the time Chewy has left. But I also need to prepare for the inevitable. How do I explain to my kids (8 & 3) what happened when we have to put Chewy to sleep? As much as it kills me, my husband and I have had to start making plans. We have decided to make a proper grave for him in our yard, and we are going to plant a tree there.


    I hate even talking about all this, but I would like some opinions and advice. I thought it might help if we have a grave side funeral I guess is the best way to put it. I am making a marker for it. Chewy has been with us since my daughter was an infant. He is HER dog. She is 3. I don't know what to do... I am scared of how she will take it. My son is 8 and has Asperger's. He is VERY attached to Chewy as well. We all are. I don't know what to do? Should I let my son come to the vet when it's time? I am worried I will be a wreck. I can't even talk about it without losing it...


    Any advice?? Thanks in advance. You have all been so wonderful and supportive so far!

  8. I just got the biopsy results from the vet. It is a sarcoma. Not sure what kind, but from how fast it has grown it's apparently an aggressive one. They recommended a surgical biopsy followed by amputation of his leg. Being that he is 6 and has a lot of weakness and arthritis in his back legs, we think he wouldn't tolerate that well. And that's assuming it hasn't already spread elsewhere. So I guess our best option is to let him live out his remaining time with us as comfortable as possible.


    This is so hard, he is such a wonderful dog. But I don't see the benefit in putting him through additional surgery and chemo. He wouldn't understand why he would be feeling like that, and I don't want to have him suffer just for a few additional months.

  9. Ok. So Chewy was at the vet all afternoon. They took an X-ray which showed it most likely isn't the osteosarcoma but it is most likely a fast growing tumor. It has gotten much bigger lately. Now roughly softball size.


    They did a needle biopsy and I should get the results Monday. Keep your fingers crossed! Thanks so much for all the thoughts so far :) Chewy says thank you!

  10. This is not meant to be taken offensively in any way, but is he overweight? I see a lot of dogs at work with arthritis that end up worse off when their weight is an issue and I've seen it cause a wide variety of limb deformities and swelling. You should be able to feel a dogs ribs by lightly touching the sides, they shouldn't be entirely visible by looking at a pet, but you shouldn't have to push through a layer of fat to feel them either, there also should be a noticeable waistline from above and a slight tuck up when looking at the side. (I know this may be more difficult on a full coated dog.) Most vets don't bring up the weight issues unless they are asked because we in the pet industry have been verbally abused by customers more times tan not who think it's acceptable for a pet to be overweight even though we are seeing signs of concern.

    His weight is perfect. He is a full blooded rough coat Saint Bernard. His bone structure is enormous. He actually had to gain a little bit. He has hip dysplasia and arthritis so we have always had to watch his weight. Plus, big dogs like him are at risk for bloat so we always monitor his diet. I know what you mean though!

  11. Please keep us up to date, will keep you and yours in my thoughts.

    Thanks. I will do. Not sure how I'll get him in the car to the vet if he won't walk. Might need a crane! I have heard tumor but I am hoping it's just a dislocation or something. It just appeared out of nowhere!

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