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Everything posted by lazarus

  1. I can think of no better way to honor a loved one. Hard to say who who rescued who here. Thank you for sharing that - inspired memories of my first four legged friend
  2. We have opted for cremations when our pets pass. We have two four year old boys, and we have lost three cats in the past year due to cancer, old age etc... (one was 24). two of them we had to have help passing, one we took to the vet, the other we actually found someone who would come to our home and euthanize so we didn't have the additional trauma of transporting an already sick and hurting animal. We explained to the boys as simply as possible about the body no longer being able to support life and the need to let go. We were able to explain the process and what would happen in very simple terms . When the pet had passed, we allowed it to lay at rest in our bedroom over night so our other pets could pay their respects and our boys could visit and touch it and ask questions. We then took it for cremation and had its fur shaved so that trimmings could be used in lockets or other items that helped the boys remember their pet. We've also done memorial photos, and the pawprint molds and such - all great suggestions. If you're able to answer their questions in a very straight forward way, I think you'll be surprised at how well they understand both the need for euthanasia and the concept of losing their beloved pet to death. I'm really sorry that you'll be losing a loved one this way. It just plain sucks no matter how you look at it.
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