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Everything posted by Basset3

  1. Steve, I can't imagine what sacrifices our soldiers gave during WWI/WWII that are now gone. Sickens me to think there are increasing numbers of whack-jobs who want to destroy this country through far-left ideas than have no common sense.
  2. After seeing clips of Joe Biden's rants from the other day, I'm convinced Joe Biden is strangely acting like Adolf Hitler. The only difference is Biden's not wearing a short mustache.
  3. What??? Where's the Conservative in that group?
  4. Perhaps Stephen Goepfert was tired of cleaning up Joe's "mess" all the time, or was that Jill. I'm confused.
  5. Не забудьте 10% для Большого Парня! (Don't forget 10% for the Big Guy!)
  6. I keep getting this strange feeling that Hillary Clinton is trying to position herself for a 2024 Presidential run. Attempting to get Trump out of the way, Biden declining health/mental status, blasting Bernie Sanders right and left....I fear the worst.
  7. If Trump is protected by Secret Service and FBI comes to raid his house guns a blazing, who gets to fire the first shot? Answer: Hillary Clinton
  8. Now that they've passed the Bill, Nancy Pelosi says to read the Bill so they know what's in it. How nice of her!!
  9. That one was awesome, Steve. Keep up your good work.
  10. Wherever Nancy goes...trouble follows. Time to get rid of the Wicked Witch of the West including the flying monkeys. Throw a bucket of water on her....anyone?
  11. Joe sorely needed a ratings boost...never mind when it happened, as long as it's before the mid-terms.
  12. Have at it, China. Just keep Nancy there and put her in jail, use her as a pawn for future negotiations.
  13. Yes, Steve....he is running to his basement. Dementia Joe is carrying on conversations with concrete blocks....and sadly, he's getting the answers from concrete blocks. We're doomed with this airhead.
  14. Here's a better trade...USA will send Al Sharpton, Stacey Abrams and Michael Moore to Russia in exchange for a few cases of Russian vodka and an undisclosed amount of cash. Note: 10% for the Big Guy.
  15. This is really a sick/twisted/demented movement. Hope it goes away like the parachute pants. Vision a movement that will rid society of these sickos once and for all.
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