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The Buzz On Carpenter Bees


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The Buzz on Carpenter Bees ---How to build a trap that will put an end to their destructive doings.



An easy-to-build trap will help control a growing carpenter bee population.

An unwelcome buzz is in the air. Spotted hovering along deck rails or under house eaves, an all too familiar pest has returned. Often mistaken for bumble bees, carpenter bees can be distinguished by its smooth and shiny-black abdomen. Although the males have no stingers, they aggressively patrol the area around their nests as the females busily prepare their favorite nesting spots. It

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Carpenter Bees are an important part of our endangered pollinator problem.  Don't kill them but do provide nest boxes for them where they can raise their young.  https://www.google.com/search?q=Carpenter+Bee+Nest+Boxes&tbm=isch&tbo=u&source=univ&sa=X&ei=3AHHUbaQFcur0AG9sIHQDQ&ved=0CDoQsAQ&biw=1080&bih=657


I've had them on my deck for years and always sprayed them till I found that they are important to our fruit crops and not aggressive although the males do like to try to intimidate you.  They fly away if you approach them and wave your arm.. 


For the old or current holes, use steel wool, wood putty or a wooden dowel coated with glue to plug the holes in your house.  Do it in the evening at dusk.  Use a flexible wire to kill anything still in the nest and plug the hole immediately.  Keep bare wood painted.

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