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Go to your favorite news source and see if you can find out how many human beings were there.  If you search j6 all you get is numbers of people who were arrested and the volume that was allowed to be there. I dare you to come up with a actual number of human beings that was in the crowd of people who was actually there to protest their displeasure on how their government was being run.  Did your news sources actually tell you the truth???  Do you believe that all these people came from all over the United States to overthrow their government???  or are you willing to accept that the majority of these people took time out of their lives to protest how their voted for government was operating???


Did Trump cause this????  YES HE DID.  Did he ask people to storm the capital???  If you think he did please provide how he did such a thing besides claiming, he was for change on how the government was working. 

Do you think that, just maybe, Trump gave the citizens a excuse/opportunity to stand up and show their displeasure on how their government was operating???

Was there Weido unhinged idiots in the crowd????  You bet there was. Walk around your neighborhood, I bet you will find some there to. 

How much coverage, this many years later, have you read about concerning the burning down and rioting of cities promoted by Black lives matters???  Were they protesting about how America was being run or were they protesting about what they thought they deserved???   


If you do not try to educate yourself, no matter how hard it is, you might want to reconsider on what you actually know.


Should your country leaders be elected by people who does not know the truth????


Are you willing to work hard for the truth?????


Are you that desperate to promote something you can't prove just to save your party or bring down a perceived threat against what you have been programmed to believe?????  


If you believe that Liberalism/ Obama Clinton Biden is the answer that will increase your life into better things please give us an example of a socialist society that has prospered and still is prospering today. 


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