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fedup last won the day on July 26

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    On The Mountain

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  1. Possible new rule. If it's OK to burn the American flag it should be OK to burn those that burn the flag.
  2. We already knew that you are not a liberal.😁
  3. Well tell us all the bad azz you see.
  4. Be proud Liberals. This is JUST ONE of your liberal lying mouths spreading the hate you all support. Stand tall while Americans laugh their azzes off at your stupidity.
  5. And the beat goes on, and the beat goes on.
  6. And the beat goes on, the beat goes on Drums keep pounding a rhythm to the brain La-de-da-de-de, la-de-da-de-da It's been a trying day (or days) for fedup. Been trying to figure out if I want to be a nice guy or brag about being correct. Sorry people, I decided to brag for a while. How do all you voters feel now????? 248 years of you all voting for the two party system has brought you to this point in time. You have one party standing tall on ONE PERSON and what that person is capable of doing. (that statement was not made to show support for Trump, it was made because it IS THE TRUTH). Then you have the other party who can't figure out who is going to lead it but they are doing everything they can to bring down the One person who believes in what he is doing. That truth should ring a bell in the head's of both party voters. The liberals are completely lost concerning what they have voted for, for so many years. They are asking their selves "why don't we we have a viable choice"? The answer is right there for all to see but the liberals can't see it or refuse to understand it. You all vote, everytime, for abortion without a thought concerning who you are really voting for. Your single issue vote bought you DEI, DEI brought you the laughing goat that you can't get rid of. (and have no desire to vote for) Smart people would understand that mistake and see that DEI is a failed thought process. Once again, the question needs to be asked, just how smart is the Party voter???? So as the liberals struggle with their stupidity, America and Americans are forced to suffer once again. While everyone's favorite news source makes million's of dollars continuing the noise instead of presenting the known facts that are out there. If the facts were presented as facts even the most ignorant among us would have to capitulate to the truth. So what do you all think about this possibility? Your favorite news source spends at least ONE hour a day, quoting the other news sources and proving what they/it said as being wrong. Sounds good, does it not? Ain't gonna happen for at least two reasons. If the news sources start providing and proving truth, they will not make money by spreading the party propaganda. Number two, Their only source of information is provided by the two party voted for government. Ask yourself---------------------just who in the hell is running this country???? OBAMA??? -----------------if you treated your dad like Jill and the rest of the crooked family is treating braindead you would be in court for elder abuse. Why does she and the family, along with the DNC, get away with what they are doing??? OBAMA????? Why is the drug addict crooked Hunter attending meetings concerning your government???? OBAMA???? Why didn't Obama, Braindeads boss, know what Braindead and his family was up to during all those years??? MONEY???? According to NPR, your government controlled and tax payer funded news source there was 80 million eligible voters who did not vote in 2020. WHY??? Do we know more than you do????
  7. Oh wait, fedup, all you do is listen to Fox News so you don't know the real truth. For those who refuse to hear things they don't want to hear here is things that Fox does. They constantly show clips of Liberal news sources so I get to hear and see the useless liberal BS that they spread to their listeners. Pure propaganda and denial of the facts which liberals suck up like a sponge. That being said, here is the truth about Fox News. They paid millions of dollars to a company that provided voting machines. Why???? If they spent those millions of dollars on providing puter experts proving that the voting machines can be manipulated they would lose tons of money over the years by providing fake news [according to liberals] concerning voting machines. Next, Fox News could spend a couple of millions dollars by presenting the WORLDS top experts on dementia explaining the facts on the progression of dementia in its various forms. They could also invite fedup, or millions of others, on a program explaining on how he watched the progression in real life to the point he got to see his father wearing a diaper. Biden will be there before he dies. ON AND ON REAL LIFE GOES ON. SO why does not Fox News give you the real truth in real time???? Because there is NO long term money to be made if you expose the actual painful truth. Wake the hell up people, use the brain that Mother Nature gave you. Quit listening to others who wants you believe like they do.
  8. When are the American voters going to start voting for what is good for this country, as a whole, instead of their corrupt party's? It is painfully obvious that voters will vote for their selfish wants ignoring what is good for ALL the citizens. These same selfish voters will tune into their news sources that supports their selfish needs ignoring any other possibilities. All the "I AM GREAT" voters has had 4 plus years to figure out who they want to vote for. In the mean time we keep hearing about the millions of dollars being given to either party like that is some sort of reason for you to possibly change your vote. Party voters woke up over 4 years ago knowing who they were going to vote for regardless of the wasted money raised and the propaganda they hear and see. Any person who has seen Braindead in action and still votes for him is a idiot who is ruining this country. If you actually believe your vote means something, ask yourself a riveting question, do you have a chance to vote for WHO YOU WANT, or are you stuck with what others are offering you, if you want your vote to count? 200 plus years of the controlling two party system has come home to roost. Are you really happy? Or are you gonna take a stand concerning the country that was handed to you by a group of old white guys who found a way for citizens to control their country? It's up to you. Are you a citizen or are you a selfish person taking advantage?
  9. 1968 people The words are as true today as they were back then. Will we ever learn???? Listen to it a couple of times. What music do you hear today that actually has a decent message? It sure ain't rap because rap ain't music. The young en's today listen to some untalented idiot speaking to a drum beat about killing cops and beating on women. The ones that are not dead or in jail are still making millions by spreading the hate. A lot of crap was going on in 1968 yet there was beautiful music being produced and listened to. Some of it was filled with anger but no hate. Some was filled with hope for better times. Some actually celebrated the good times that was also happening. A lot of us just "stepped out". We understood that nothing was going to get better if we kept believing in the government that the old guys promised us because it was being used and abused by different micro-minority's making noise for their own selfish wants. The micro-minority's took over a great government and ruined it. The majority of Americans lost. So here we are today. I could go on and on about how the micro-minority liberals have killed this country but what is the use? 50 percent of the voters in this country are still willing to vote for braindead THERE IS NO HOPE.
  10. How things come around and bite you in your azz
  11. Get out your umbrella. The giant liberal tears are about to rain down.
  12. YOUR WORKING VERY HARD AT BEING IN A PLACE THAT I WOULD RATHER YOU NOT BE IN. What place is that?????????????????????????????????????????????????? IN MY LIFE fedup
  13. I have been watching the news since 5am this morning. It started out with the Liberals admitting defeat but slowly turned into Liberals lying and protecting a loser as usual. Today is everyones chance to see just what the liberals have to offer. Turn on your tv to the news source of your choice. I don't care which one you choose. Go about your business while casually listening. When you hear a Liberal say "TRUMP LIES", stop for 10 seconds and listen to what you hear next. You WILL NOT hear one example of any lie that they are claiming. NOT ONE. I kept waiting all day for a list of lies compiled by all the fact checkers that was promised to the people who would fact check the debate. And that brings me to a huge complaint concerning Fox News who claims to be fair and balanced. Numerous times they allowed Liberals to repeat their lies about Trump's supposed lies and not once did they challenge the liar in front of them. I actually spent 30 minutes watching CNN. What a painful experience but if you all would watch the Liberal news you would find the answer concerning why there is so many people willing to still vote for Biden. These viewers are not informed of the truth. They are brainwashed 24/7 by fellow liberals who are willing to lie all day long. Now comes the real pain. As painful as it is, I have to say that the two liberals running the debate did a fair job at being fair. I was completely surprised. There may be some hope left in this country. One more thing to think about in your spare time and it does not require being a Liberal or a non-liberal but it concerns your life everyday. If the news, any news, actually drilled down and exposed all the truth concerning any subject that subject would no longer be news worthy which means the news can no longer make money concerning that subject. So maybe, just maybe, you are not getting the truth you think you are getting. MONEY TALKS
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