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Pappy last won the day on July 22

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  1. I stopped on Friday afternoon. I went in bought two raffle tickets from one of the firemen booths and then I left. I thought about getting something to eat but then decided against it. There was not many people there so it looked so small to me. I am not really a fair type person. I do not like to ride and of the carnival rides. It is nice to take the grandkids there and see the animals etc but since I was alone I didn't stay long maybe about ten minutes is all
  2. I saw an ad with clothing that had the color scheme of the US Flag and in the comments I saw so many comments condemning wearing anything at all that might even look like either the color schemes of the flag, or small flags sewed on baseball caps or on the sleeves etc. Read what the American Legion has to say about this and let us know what you think. I personally think it is patriotic to wear anything related to the flag on clothing unless it is an actual flag being used. That being said here is what the American Legion says. "Unless an article of clothing is made from an actual United States flag, there is NO breach of flag etiquette whatsoever. People are simply expressing their patriotism and love of country by wearing an article of clothing that happens to be red, white, and blue with stars and stripes. There is nothing illegal about the wearing or use of these items." This perspective sheds light on the distinction between using the flag itself as clothing, which is considered disrespectful, and wearing clothing that incorporates elements of the flag's design. The latter is seen as a form of expression, a way for individuals to showcase their patriotism without diminishing the dignity of the flag. While it's important to respect the symbolism of the American flag, it's also essential to recognize the freedom of expression protected by the First Amendment. As long as individuals are mindful of proper etiquette and avoid using actual flags as clothing, they can proudly wear their red, white, and blue attire as a symbol of their love for their country.
  3. 17:43: According to the Butler DA, 1 spectator is dead, 1 spectator is wounded in critical condition at AGH, and the [believed] lone shooter is dead.
  4. I had a doctors appointment and stopped afterwards. I was there twenty minutes early. They do not open until 9. So I sat in my truck and then cars started pulling in so I went up to the door as did all the others. I did not want to be there all day behind them. I was the first one in and signed in and apparently no one had an appointment so she called my number first and I already had the paperwork filled out that I downloaded off the internet and she just asked a few questions and wrote some stuff on the paper and that was it. She was very friendly and efficient. It took maybe five to ten minutes total. It was not an unpleasant experience at all.
  5. I just got my Medicare info in the mail and Social security main office messed up and enrolled me in Medicare B. It said to send the card back in. So I checked part A only saying I had other medical insurance and they astill signed me up for part B. My question is do I have to call and make an appointment for the local office or do I just stop in take a number and wait? I am sure the local people are more competent than whoever signed me up for part B.
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