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Self-identifying refers to the act of recognizing and defining oneself based on personal characteristics, beliefs, affiliations, or other aspects of identity. When you self-identify, you assert that you belong to a particular group, category, or role, even if others may not immediately perceive you that way.

For example, if someone self-identifies as a member of a specific ethnic or cultural group, they are expressing their connection to that group, regardless of external perceptions. Similarly, individuals may self-identify with certain gender identities, sexual orientations, or other social categories.

In essence, self-identification is a way for people to assert their own understanding of who they are, beyond societal norms or external labels. It’s an important aspect of individual autonomy and self-expression123.

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  I, fedup, has decided to become a Liberal so I can self-identify as a "FREE SPEAKER". As a FREE SPEAKER, I will be allowed to say what I want and when I want with no questions asked. I was born this way and have the right to be this way no matter what you think. I live in a free country so you can not deny me my right to be what I want to be. 

  From now on, I expect my fellow Liberals (and everyone else in this world) to support me and back me up. 

As a FREE SPEAKER, I demand to be respected for what I have decided to be. 

Given my limited choices supplied by the current government I demand that Trump be this nation's next president because he is the best there is under the circumstances. 

I demand that no one in this world can cross a border of this country and receive any thing that tax paying citizens receive. In fact, I demand that anyone caught crossing our border without written permission be declared an illegal armed invader and be treated just like any soldier from a foreign country. 

I demand that any voted for member of our government and any employee of our government who is caught lying under oath is to be removed from their position and have all of their worldly goods taken away from them.  

I demand that no woman or her baby daddy can use taxpayer funded abortion as a form of birth control because neither one has any self control.

I demand that no doctor or school can support a 13 year old boy in his wishes to cut off his Johnson in an attempt to pretend he is a girl because he is finding it hard to become a man. 

I demand that every girl has the right to become a woman (even thought that process is harder than a boy becoming a man) and she has the right to compete in any sport with other girls/women without boys pretending to be women. 

I demand to be respected for what I know and not to be called a racist by ignorant people who can't deny the truths that I say. 

This list can go on and on now that I am a liberal demanding others to believe what I demand. 

Do you all think I am doing a good job at being a liberal? or should I dress up like a dog or a cat to get your attention? 

Maybe I should hug Maddow and kiss Lemon on The View.




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