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Posts posted by old3dogg


    well, considering im prepared for the zombie apocalypse, i think i can handle some rats.


    speaking of strange rats and jackson china... didnt i once hear something about toxic substances in or around there?

    The land contains a lot of lead. It will pretty much be nothing but a field for a long time.


    Lead makes them 6 legged rats ammune to well, lead.


    if only i could type out all the cuss words that are going through my head right now...


    my son got a picture book the other day that has one of those said creatures in it... i have considered whiting it out.

    Sorry buddy. I'll quit freaking you out.


    Hey. Did you hear about the 6 legged rat they caught on the old Jackson China site?


    Said it went around 50 pounds and its fangs were 4 inches long. Put up one heck of a fight. Took 50 rounds to kill it. I hear a couple of guys lost arms and such. Full of earwiggs and dead spiders when they cut it open. Also hear they only got the little one.



  3. ya know... they look a lot like ladybugs... i wonder if some of the "lady bugs" ive had in my house are actually these, because i get a lot of stink bugs, too.

    Gee hon. You seem to have knack for attracting bugs. :-/


    For whatever reason I was over run with those long brown bugs with the pinchers on their butt. They seem to have thinned out quite a bit.


    Ya know, I don't think I have ever posted on the "Gardening and Nature" Forum before . . . and I think maybe I never will again . . . :shok::duh:

    Thanks for being cool enough to take a joke.


    Back from town with 2 gallons of weed killer. Off on a killing spree! :)

  5. Dogg, what you have isn't a garden morning glory; it is called bindweed. You must get every last piece of the root out to get rid of it. The roots break into pieces when you plow or dig and each piece makes a new plant. It is a real pain to get rid of.

    Round-up will kill it but you have to be persistent. Anything you use must be done several times. If you keep burning it off or cutting it you will eventually kill it but remember if pieces of root break off you are going to have a new plant to deal with. If you can tarp the area the roots will eventually die especially if you use a dark tarp and the soil heats up.  

    Thank you. Looks like I will be on a murder spree all summer. ;D

  6. You can prune any time of year but it could have detrimental effects in the form of disease, less or no fruit, and a general weakening of the tree.  If you gotta do it and the tree's not a treasure then go ahead.  Just don't do anything major that can be delayed till early spring, like Jan to Mar.

    I dont want to kill it. Pretty nice tree. It just need a little off the top.


    As far as the apples? I feed those to the deer.

  7. Would it be okay to prune my apple tree this time of year? It already has blossoms on it.


    I heard one should only prune during months that end in "r". True or old wives tell?


    I was out mowing and noticed the tree needs shaped up.



  8. Yes a list is a definite MUST!


    Have you tried cooking meals and freezing some of the leftovers into individual servings?

    Yes. I do that a lot. I'm a pasta nut and frozen/un thawed pasta just doesn't work well.

  9. Well some of us would like to avoid that.. I could help you make homemade pizza :)

    I'm kidding. I avoid those as well.


    I dont menu plan but I'm the only one I cook for. I do make a store list when I go shopping though. However. I still cook way to much for one person and what the dog refuses to eat gets thrown out.

  10. I've been debating on spending some of my income tax return on a trip to Jamaica or someplace warm and tropical.


    I'm suffering from a very bad case of cabin fever. Even the dog is starting to look ugly! :-/

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