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DETRANS: The Dangers of Gender-Affirming

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DETRANS: The Dangers of Gender-Affirming

DETRANS: The Dangers of Gender-Affirming Care
Short Documentaries
Oct 25, 2023
What happens when a child is told she is born in the wrong body and undergoes life-altering surgery only to experience regret? A growing number of young Americans are being manipulated by social media and pushed by medical professionals to take hormones and undergo surgery. Now, many are finding the courage to detransition and warn others about their experience.

Featuring interviews with:

- Detransitioners Daisy Strongin and Abel Garcia

- Transgenderism expert and fellow at the Manhattan Institute Leor Sapir

- Attorney Harmeet Dhillon, whose clients are suing healthcare providers for performing “gender-affirming” surgery on minors

DETRANS serves as a wake-up call to all of us: our children are in danger and it’s up to us to protect them.


Short Documentaries

What happens when a child is told she is born in the wrong body and undergoes life-altering surgery only to experience regret? A growing number of young Americans are being manipulated by social media and pushed by medical professionals to take hormones and undergo surgery. Now, many are finding the courage to detransition and warn others about their experience.

Featuring interviews with:

- Detransitioners Daisy Strongin and Abel Garcia

- Transgenderism expert and fellow at the Manhattan Institute Leor Sapir

- Attorney Harmeet Dhillon, whose clients are suing healthcare providers for performing “gender-affirming” surgery on minors

DETRANS serves as a wake-up call to all of us: our children are in danger and it’s up to us to protect them.


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People's brains are not fully developed until the age of 25, I've read, so  life altering decisions such as a sex change shouldn't be made at least until then.  I personally don't agree with gender changes. I feel that if we are born a certain gender, that is what we are. God made us.  However, if someone decides to make this change, they need to be a mature adult.  

Kids don't have that capacity.  Heck, even an 18 year old really doesn't have everything they need mentally and experience wise to make a lot of the decisions in this life.  I know at 18 I thought I knew everything.  Turns out I didn't know squat.  By 25 though, I definitely knew more, and was more capable of understanding life's more complicated issues.  Back in the past, 18 year olds were much more mature, but they had grown up in hard times and were in their own households, married with children by then!  Not so now!

When I was young, I hated my first name and if you would have told me I could have it changed, I certainly would have!  Now that I'm older, I love my name and am so glad it's mine!  I would have regretted changing the name my parents gave me.  Not the same as gender, but you get the point.

It angers me that there are people out there who tell kids that they are the wrong sex and support them in changing their gender.  We need to fight this type of thing with all that is in us.  Kids should not be told anything of the like.  They need to be loved and cared about and have their basic needs met and given good childhoods and educations. None of this gender  change talk should even be spoken about with them.  When they grow up, if they are not happy, they will have the freedom to change things.  However, I think most will grow up and mature and find out they like themselves just how they are.  Especially if they have been supported by loving parents, family, and friends, teachers, and their church family throughout their lives.

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