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Everything posted by Tiramisu

  1. https://wjactv.com/amp/news/local/clearfield-county-da-no-more-pred-hunter-cases-being-prosecuted
  2. This CNN story is from 2015, when the Clinton’s chef drowned. Now the Obama’s chef drowned. Maybe we should start a gofundme for swimming lessons for liberal’s chefs.
  3. Has anyone else heard that in AMC theaters they have been turning the heat up in just that movie and saying the air conditioner is broken?
  4. It's $3.59 at the blinker light
  5. I know you have given up hope, but all the modern day prophets, that have an excellent track record, say the judgement of God is coming on these people. Multiple ones have said one or two people are going to drop dead in the house or White House. You can only do Baal worship and rituals for so long before God has had enough.
  6. Beautiful day for Farm Fest! 10 AM - 4 PM
  7. Shocking turn of events! MSNBC told the truth.
  8. 71 different vendors!! More come every year because it’s so awesome!
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