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Everything posted by steelnut

  1. Hubby's best friend lives in Alabama and he's supposed to bring up some for us to make wine. His buddy says they makes great wine.
  2. I got more!!! 2 raspberry Bee Balm 1 pink Fox Glove 2 Strawberry Candy lilys 2 Bali Hai(?) lilys 2 pink Super Spider lilys 2 Dwarf Persimmon lilys 2 Two to Tango lilys another Yum Yum Plum lily I gotta lay off the lilys... ;D
  3. I just love lilies and Stella's are my favorite. I have some other day lilies that are blooming and they're just beautiful! I'm just getting into the perrenials and when I planted a bunch of them last year, I had no idea what colors they would be, but everything is looking great. Question, I also love tulips, I know they don't bloom very long, but I love them. Right now, I have these dead looking stalks sticking out of the ground, should I pull them out or just let them go?
  4. No, I must have missed the bee balm, darn it!
  5. Beautiful! Hubby says that now that I'm getting into perrenials, I want everything that I see... he may be right!
  6. I have a red one and hubby just told me today to try and pick up a couple more. He actually likes them, I'm shocked!
  7. I was at the flea market and didn't see that, do you remember where abouts it was? Lol, I resprayed the Liquid Fence this evening and lucky me...as I was breathing through my mouth to avoid gagging and spraying away to beat the band, a nice little breeze came on and I got it back drafted all over me! I finished spraying and immediately hopped in the shower, my God that stuff stinks!
  8. I replanted the sunflowers that the darn deer ate and they're about 4" tall now. I sprayed the heck out of them with Liquid Fence, so we'll see. The deer are just getting so much bolder now out here! Hubby and I worked our butts off for the last five days planting, weeding, mowing, yada, yada..and tonight while we were taking a much deserved break on the back porch, two doe crossed the road and headed straight for one of my flower beds...well I startd screaming at them to shooo, they stopped and looked at me like, yeah right! I had to get off my butt and chase them off. Hubby said I should have let them go to see if the Liquid Fence really works...I have a feeling that I'll find out tonight if it works....crossing my fingers and toes...
  9. Thanks, Petee, I actually thought of doing that yesterday but I was worried I might do the poor thing in if I did. I'll give it a try.
  10. Thanks lavender, I'm glad that I passed on the hydrangea. Until I retire, I just don't have the time for any really high maintenance plants. So I have a few years....
  11. Well, I trimmed them up, but I just read that crown rot is fatal! I sure hope not.
  12. Lol, I just back from Lowes and bought more...2 Spirea, 2 Arizona Sun Blanket Flowers, 4 Iris and 2 more Stella's. I'll still stop at the Farmers Market though for Stella's, I can't get enough of them. When we bought our house the only plants here were some Iris around the telephone pole by the road. That was over 24 years ago and this year we only got 5 flowers, so I figured that it's time to replace them. Question...Hydrangea...I looked at some at Lowes and thought about trying them, too. The clearance price was still a little high, I thought at 16.00? They didn't look real healthy either, so I passed. Does that sound like a good price though? I have to google them to see how high maintenance they are.
  13. I love daisys of any kind, and I think one of my Gerbers has crown rot! I'm going to try trimming it up and giving it some Miracle Grow. Has anyone else had this problem?
  14. No dogs. The worst thing was that I somehow got it on my hands! It's funny now, but at the time, ugh! I have to pick peas sometime today if I get off this computer and get started on my windows, I may have time later.
  15. Well, since today is the only day that everything has dried up since I bought the Liquid Fence, I finally sprayed.... OMG, it definitely stinks! I had the boys all day and they were laughing their little butts off at me out there gagging and coughing. Whew, I can see why it could work.
  16. Cool, Refreshing Mini Cheesecakes 8 ounces of cream cheese 1/2 Cup of sugar 8 ounces of Cool Whip 16 Oreos Mix together Take 12 cupcake baking cups and put an Oreo in each one. (I put the baking cups right inside a muffin pan to stabilize them) Fill each cup with the cream mixture. Take a zip lock bag and crumble the other 4 Oreos. Sprinkle the crushed Oreos over the tops of the mini cheesecakes; refrigerate until cold.
  17. They're just beautiful! I stopped at a few places this morning, but no luck. Has anyone seen any?
  18. Thaks Lavender! The one that I didn't know is a Rose Campion. I went out this morning and got a couple more day lilys. I'm watching so see if anyone marks down their Stella's, my favorite!
  19. ...to plant some more perrennials! Hubby has finished the bed on the other side of the back of our house. I'm am sooo getting into the perrenials. I don't have clue as to what I'm doing, but I love it! My friend that got me the plants last year has given me more this year. 10 Stella's 1 Black Eyed Susan 1 Space Coast Day Lily 1 Fox Glove 1 Moonbeam Coreopsis 1 Lady Bells 1 Helen Mardi Gras 1 Stokes Aster 1 Cherry Bells Campanula 1 Bama Maid Lily 1 Burnt Orange Lily 1 Pink Montana 1 Rose Queen Silvia 1 Geum Cooky 1 Dwarf Mexican Hats 1 Carpenter Shavings Lily There is one that she didn't have a name on, I took a picture and if I can figure out how to post it I will. Anyway, after looking them up, it seems like a lot of them get very tall. And my biggest concern is that I read that the Foxglove and the Helen Mardi Gras are poisonous. Also, that the Foxglove only lasts for two seasons, so I'm thinking that I may not even want to plant it. Any suggestions? I don't really want real tall plants at the back of the house, so I may put them in one of the other beds that we made. I appreciate any and all comments or suggestions, thanks!
  20. OMG, they're beautiful and I love Cactus, I have to get some! Thanks for the pictures.
  21. Thanks for the picture, Petee. I know that would be fine for me, I just have to talk hubby into it. He likes the one at Lowe's...not for that kind of money!
  22. I've been so busy that I just got the Liquid Fence today, and wouldn't you know it, it's supposed to rain for what, 3 or 4 straight days?!? Lavender, sorry to hear about what those darned groundhogs did! I like critters, I really do, but God how I hate when they destroy my posies!!!! Back around 12 years ago, we quit having a garden for two years because the deer totally destroyed everything in it. I moped around long enough that hubby got busy and put up the electric fence. Now we're fine with the veggies, but I don't want to put electric fences up all around the flower beds that we've been making, wouldn't that be a sight?
  23. Ahhh, will Liquid Fence work on squirrels? I have to get some tomorrow. Now I'm wondering if the sunflowers are toast or is it too late to try and plant more....
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