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Everything posted by scsnyder

  1. Just let them go. They get tall and spindly when they go to seed. If they fall over it is okay this helps them multiply. Asparagus can multiply by roots or the seeds. Make sure you mulch them this fall. Next year you should have bigger and better asparagus. Make sure next spring keep an eye on them and harvest when they are six inches. Makes sure to leave a couple to go to seed for the next years crop.
  2. asparagus takes two years from planting for you to harvest. The first year you let the plants go to seed (they get tall, spindly and look like a fern on top). You need to mulch them this fall. The second year you will need also to let them go to seed and mulch in the fall. By the third year they will be ready to harvest. Asparagus plants should be allowed to become well established before any spears are harvested. You can fertilize in the early spring. I hope this helps.
  3. This is my second year that I have grown chocolate peppermint. It grows very well and spreads so it is best grown in containers. I dry it and add to other mints for mint tea.
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