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Everything posted by WMJ77

  1. Our family and friends are all praying for her and her doctors .....she is a fighter, and we all know she will do her part.....kick butt and take names later Faith!!!!
  2. great news.....she looks great!!!
  3. as scary as surgery is it will be great for her....she is such a cutie
  4. just because it has leaves on it ......doesnt make it camo
  5. HAPPY B-DAY ....7mo and chillin in a tu tu.....life is good with you in it!!!
  6. well yea.....dads freak out and are useless
  7. if that was me, my phone would be on the floor, the laptop would be under the bassinet , one leg would be on the bassinet, and my glasses would be under the pillow or inside the chair....God bless her!!!
  8. LOL....I remember those days.....get it when you can get it
  9. prayers to all of you.....she is a cutie
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