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Posts posted by willows

  1. Both of our dogs have extreme sensitivity to frontline or any of the flea stuff on the skin. The older dog went a little crazy when we used it and I had to bath her immediately to calm her down. She was running laps around the house and acting strange after I put it on. We are fortunate to not have fleas here for some reason, lots of ticks but no fleas. The couple times someone brought their pet that had fleas over the years and our dogs got them I bathed them every couple days with a little dawn and used a flea comb a couple times a day. Within about a week they were gone. I had read that Dawn kills fleas and i believe it does help.

  2. The book The Hills Of Home by Jennie Smith Dixon should be ready by the end of this month. I retyped the book and it has been proofread and being sent back to the printer the final approved copy this week. The original book was typed on an antique typewriter. I remember watching my grandmother sit at the typewriter for hours. As kids we helped her put together the very first volume. Jennie was my grandmother and there are some good stories in the book. She used to tell us great stories when we were little. We LOVED hearing her stories. I also have a copy of her second book she wrote. It starts when her parents are married and  is a very rough draft. It is going to take some time to put it together. She had typed it up and went through making her changes throughout the book and that was as far as it got. It starts in the very early 1900's. It describes my great grandmother's wedding gown, at the beginning, which I have seen in a trunk and I believe still exists with a relative. It was a beautiful gown for the early 1900's. I have yet to read the entire book so I am not sure what the content is. The information Sanibel provided is correct above. Jennie was Calvin's mother.

  3. Lavender I think you might be right about the mulberries. They were like hedgerows but very tall and I remember walking between the rows to pick them. I might see if I can find some to plant. We have some blueberries to add with the one bush we have left but am waiting to put a fence up to keep the deer away from them. They love eating all the new shoots. We had four at one time but the deer have eaten three of them over the years and they died. The bushes not the deer. LOL I've often yelled at them, HEY YOU GET AWAY FROM THOSE BUSHES! Only one has survived so a couple years ago I put a fence around it and it's grown nicely.

  4. LOL actually they were pretty good but our hearts were set on blackberries. Not very many new shoots came up last year for this years berries. They do take some maintenance cutting and disposing of all the old ones at the end of the season. As a child our grandpa took us to a neighbors who had blackberries and tons of them. They were in nice neat rows, from what I remember very high, well over our heads, and I don't remember getting caught in the briars. They were huge berries and fun to pick and eat.

  5. We planted some grapes about four years ago. We were also debating on some sort of trellis, one that would not require a building contractor. LOL we put two four by fours in the ground on each end, one across the top. Some eye hooks that screw into the four by fours and ran some extremely heavy gauge wire between the four by fours through the eyehooks. The grapes have grown up the row of wires quite nicely. All that work and the grapes are really not very good. :( we also planted blackberries the same year, went to the trouble of fencing them to keep the critters out, and they turned out to be black rasberries. another :(

  6. I use Bisquick for frying zucchini, I add whatever spices I want, pepper, garlic salt, parsley flakes, dip the sliced zucchini in milk so the coating sticks and fry. I also use the same for frying chicken. I would never use anything else. I must warn though to never ever use it in place of flour for homemade noodles. LOL they swell up until they no longer fit into the pan. That was a very messy experiment.

    A good potato side our family enjoys:

    1 bag of frozen hashbrown potatoes, the cubed ones

    1 can cream of chicken soup

    1 small container of sour cream

    1 cup shredded cheddar cheese

    bake at 350 for 1 hour or until potatoes are tender.




  7. I have six feeders up. There has been one male guarding them but come mid July he will have his hands full. For the past two years sometime in July, probably when all the little ones leave the nests, we will have swarms and they all seem to settle down and feed together. There were so many I was filling the feeders at least every other day. That is a lot of sugar! They are the neatest little birds. I had them landing on my fingers last year. Last week I looked down at the railing I saw this tiny little feather. I picked it up and realized it was a hummingbird feather. NEAT!! I lay it in my hand to show my husband and a little breeze came through and it was gone. Never in my life have I  seen a hummingbird feather.

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