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Posts posted by willow

  1. Dogg you didn't over do it. For as long as I can remember our apple trees have always been trimmed like that.

    Mine will look like that late Fall early Winter.

    Grandma always said she wanted to be able to throw a baseball through without hitting a limb.

    I have heard the quote about the baseball also.

  2. Oh yeah, bats are great until they Go in your barn or somewhere and you have tried Everything, to get them to move to your bathouse, but they prefer to poop all over the stuff you have in your barn. If you want mine you are welcome to them.

  3. Yes, I think we all have had at least one pet we weren't sure if it was time.  One I should have done sooner, now that I think of it.  So, once the decision is made, remember everything has its time. "To everything there is a season."............  .  It just that in a sense, it bothers us because, WE made the determination, not nature.  In a perfect world, we all hope that everything just sleeps away, and no one has to make that decision for them. I have an old cat, and just put my 15 1/2 year old dog down in Dec.  My companion.

  4. My daughter has 2 miniature schnauzers.  1 is always fine but doesn't listen as well and the other one listens but gets everything.  Finicky stomach, gets stuff in paws, etc.  So, they are just like us.  No 2 alike.


    I have farm dogs that eat  everything they can catch ( no cats) and they are always healthy

    Luck of the draw.  I do keep them up to date on their vet stuff. 

  5. I have a HUGE vine of this I started there to cover an ugly old tall building.  It definitely does attract hummingbirds.  I did not know it could cause a rash.  Never had any problems with it but then I don't really mess with it.  It does take over but it is in an area where there is nothing to take over.  I was just complimented the other day how pretty it was.

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