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Remember those FREE government issued at home Covid tests ...


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The Covid tests contain a tiny amount of that chemical which is only dangerous if it is accidentally ingested by a child. Now, that said, I will never use one again for ANY reason.  It tells me that the ones I have left must be kept locked up in a location where children can never access them.  There are so many dangerous ingredients in most of our medicines today, that even aspirin should be kept in a locked box.

https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8786400/#:~:text=The reagent fluid in many,]%2C [3]].


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Covid Vaccines are developed on Fetal Cell Lines.  Now we're talking nasty!

The original fetal cells were harvested from two dead babies.  Then they were multiplied using mechanical means and thus are not considered to be human any longer, and that is where your Tylenol, aspirin and most of the other medications come from.  

I have not taken Tylenol for years now since I found this out, and have deleted other medications from my prescriptions as I am able to find an herbal to replace it.  This disgusting practice is NOT necessary!


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