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Posts posted by Pappy

  1. Seems T-mobile are updating their terms of service. I see some lawsuits coming if they actually enforce their new code of conduct. BTW who decides what hate speech is. I wonder if they will fine people who are Trump supporters who say they will vote for him. They even say about swearing they will fine you. . We will see what will happen. I thought about t-mobile but not now. Look at the video 11:45 and it has terms of service that shows about campaign content. Are they going to start fining all republicans if they do not agree with their views. Also why are they reading your texts etc?



  2. 5 hours ago, Petee said:

    That's not exactly what I was looking for, but it would work!  Our door handles are not round, but a lever which the dogs have learned to open on their own. I have to tie the door shut to keep them out of the bedrooms and bathroom during the day, but then you have to untie and retie it all the time.  We thought of a hook lock, but if anyone was back there and tried to get out while the hook lock on the other side was fastened, I'll bet there would be some human yelling involved!

    I love the idea of something antique and novel that would work, and this might do the trick.

    I found that pic on the internet typing in gate latch. I then clicked on images so I could look at all the ones available and usually it has the link right there also.

  3. Plain and simple there was no Palestine until the Romans made up that name to replace Judea.

    All that land as far as I am concerned is Jewish land and the Palestinians are the occupiers. Gaza gets it's electricity, water, jobs etc from Israel and what do they do bite the hand that feeds them. So if they do wipe out Israel what then. They will expect the rest of the world to support them as it has already been demonstrated they cannot fend for themselves.

  4. Sad story. There are thousands of these stories on both sides but Israel did not start this. The last 50 to 60 years who are the ones who keep attacking people.

    Between 1979 and May 2021, we counted 48,035 Islamist terrorist attacks around the world, which have resulted in the deaths of at least 210,138 people.

    France was the country most affected by Islamist terrorism in the European Union, with 82 attacks committed on its soil between 1979 and May 2021. At least 332 people were killed in these attacks.



    Significant Terrorist Incidents, 1961-2003: A Brief Chronology


    If these Islamist terrorists would just stop the killing imagine how the world would begin to heal and maybe just maybe everyone could prosper.

    The problem is war is big business for America, Russia and China profiting off of weapons sales.


  5. On 10/2/2023 at 12:44 AM, dubois_15801 said:

    I'm know I'm a bit late to the party, but most of those apple trees produce an apple that really isn't pleasant to eat straight/raw.   They tend to be tart and hard.  Now, they are good for cooked/baked goods like pies.  Cooking them helps convert some of the matter into sugars to dissipate the tart nature of them.  And with them being firmer than your typical store apple, they tend to hold together instead of turn to mush.

    Lots of those trees were planted to have a supplementary food source(pies), or to make cider/wine from.  ...and to feed livestock.

    You'll be surprised if you bite into one and expect it to be as tasty as a Red Delicious from the grocery store. 

    We still have a couple of those trees on our farm - planted in the early 1900's.   Our oldest tree died about 15-20 years ago that was near the house, so we had to remove it.  It was planted in the second half of the 1800's when the farm was established.  Once every couple years I'll go get some for the old lady to make a desert with.  I like to occasionally cut them in quarters, trim out the centers, then put them on the grill and baste them with honey, brown sugar, and cinnamon.   I'll throw some soaked apple wood chips on the coals to add some smokey flavor to them too.

    Yes that is what I thought also. I figured some would make great dumplings. Putting them on the grill sounds delicious

  6. https://www.youtube.com/@IsraelDefenseForces/videos

    I deleted the other video and put the Israel youtube channel here instead. You can access the video from there and a few others.

    The video that was here shows Hamas killing people so this is your warning. It is extremely graphic and shows them going through and hunting for civilians.

    I thought it was to graphic and didn't want to offend anyone so that is why I deleted the video but it can be watched in its entirety at the above Youtube link.




  7. On 10/13/2023 at 8:43 PM, Petee said:

    OK Fed Up, check the rest of the story above, pre-Ottoman rule.  The Israelites ruled that country BCE.  There were no Palestinians, just roaming bands of Bedouins who owned nothing and chose to live that way.

    Here is a fact Fedup There were no Palenstine until the Romans made up that name to disconnect the Jews from their land and religion. It was called originally Judea

    Also the Jewsish people never stole any land from the Arabs.from 636 to 1947. The Arabs however have.

    Like I said watch the above video this man states facts.

  8. https://bje.org.au/knowledge-centre/israel/history/historical-presence/

    "Jews have lived in the land of Israel for nearly 4000 years, going back to the period of the Biblical patriarchs (c.1900 BCE). The story of the Jewish people, Israel, its capital, Jerusalem, and the Jewish Temple there, has been one of exile, destruction and rebirth. In its 3000 years of history Jerusalem has been destroyed 17 times and 18 times reborn. There has always remained a Jewish presence in the land of Israel and in Jerusalem, and the Jewish people as a whole always dreamt of returning to and rebuilding it."


    People always conquer land throughout the ages. Look at the US and the people slaughtered for it.

    Personally I do not support Palestinians who celebrate the beheading of babies and rape and torture of them.

    These types of people will kill every person who is not Muslim if they could and in fact they kill each other with the same verocity.

    Look at all the deaths around the world in the name of their God which coincidentally is basically the same God the Jews/Christians worship the God of David. Then the Prophet came to the Christians and then the Muslims and now the Jewish people are waiting for their prophet. So everyone got divided and this is what we have now. The only problem I see is that the one group has gone totally insane.

    I support Israel laying Gaza to waste and then rebuilding it into profitable and civilized areas instead of slums loaded with missiles.

    The people of Gaza should have used those funds to build a better infrastructure for peace instead amassing weapons and committing pure acts of evil.

    They bit the hand that fed them water, electricity etc. and now people want Israel to back down and think nothing happened. Screw that.

    People say it is Hamas but is also the people of Gaza who support them as you saw by them applauding these terrorist and then letting their children beat and torture Israeli children. Yea they are not at all innocent.

    It is time to end this madness and that is by destroying your enemy. Hamas and other Muslims who want Israel eliminated should all be sent to allah via the express lane.

    Just look at the last 60 years what these followers of that so called prophet have done around the world including in the US. It goes back further than that.


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