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Everything posted by fedup

  1. Just when you get to thinking that Liberals have produced all the stupid that they can, this comes along to prove you wrong. Is there no bottom of the liberal barrel full of stupid liberals?? U.S. Department of Energy Secretary Jennifer Granholm claimed Friday that Americans can "learn from what China is doing" in combating climate change. During an interview at the annual SXSW conference in Austin, Texas, Granholm sang the praises of China for its efforts to reduce climate change, claiming the country is actually "very sensitive" about the issue, more so than the United States. Granholm made these claims despite the fact that China recently hit its coal-production record last year. According to the U.S. Energy Information Administration, "55% of China’s energy" now comes from fossil fuel "compared to 11% in the U.S." Granholm said that the U.S., led by official Climate Envoy John Kerry, has been trying to "get all of these countries to agree to very aggressive targets to be able to make sure that we don’t get climate — global warming happening over, you know, 1.5 degrees She then praised China’s climate change efforts, saying, "But, I think China has done — has been very sensitive, and has actually invested a lot in their solutions, to achieve their goals." Granholm added, "So we’re — we’re hopeful that, you know, we can all learn from what China is doing." The secretary also noted, "the amount of money that they’re investing in clean energy is actually, you know, encouraging." https://www.foxnews.com/media/energy-secretary-granholm-claims-us-learn-china-climate-change Someone pack this liberal idiot a small bag of clothes, throw her on a fast jet to China and tell her to keep her ugly anti-American face out of this hemisphere.
  2. I will never forget Lyin' Schift chasing the cripple across the stage hollering Jerry Jerry Jerry.
  3. And he is 6 feet tall 180 pounds and walks straight. Plus he has a brain. Now there is a liberal myth.
  4. Now we get to see the real truth after the crooked voted for government got done stomping on this guys rights. It always happens, the crooked voted for government and the crooked media shows the world OMG moments in the beginning. The world is coming to a end, run for the hills. Those that done the lying will never suffer one bit. They will just move on lying all the way. When asked how she feels to know the United States government and President Biden's administration "hid evidence" that may be considered exculpatory in his case, wherein he was charged with several crimes including civil disorder, obstruction of a proceeding, violent entry, disorderly conduct in a Capitol building, and parading, Chansley said it is very "upsetting." "It should have come out two years ago. That [video] should have come out two years ago. He's he's an innocent man. Everything that [Jacob] said that he did is true -- That he walked through open doors. He was escorted through the halls of the Senate." Jacob Chansley, who famously went shirtless and donned face paint and a horned hat while carrying an American flag on the day Congress certified President Biden's election victory, was portrayed as the leader of pro-Trump rioters who violently attacked Capitol Police officers and defaced the Capitol Building. Chansley said her son was peaceably escorted by law enforcement in part because he had offered to help them after witnessing others inside the building. Jacob Chansley was ultimately sentenced to 41 months, or about 3 and a half years, in prison, according to documents from the District of Columbia U.S. Attorney's office. https://www.foxnews.com/media/qanon-shamans-mom-torches-feds-video-shows-convict-escorted-capitol You all should take the time to read this and watch the video. This is how your voted for government screws those it does not like. We are all just one step away from getting the same treatment.
  5. fedup


    Everybody walks free except those of us who pays the bills.
  6. fedup

    Even with

    Good ideas. Let's add at least one more. Bring our troops home and let them serve on both sides of the border.
  7. fedup

    Even with

    Well, our always lost, dazed and confused voted for government is looking for votes for both parties. First off they want to screw with your SS. Everytime they touch that deal they screw it up more. But even worse, they want to go to war with Mexico over the drug cartels. I am all for killing bad guys and girls but these idiots has to know that if you want to cure your drug problem, eliminate the demand. The demand is in this country not Mexico and the demand is being completely supported by the liberal fools in this country. Hand out free drug needles then go to Mexico and kill people. Only a Liberal could come up with something that stupid. OK people, what do you think? Head on down to Mexico and start killing bad guys and girls? Yes or no?
  8. fedup


    I wonder how many people has actually seen this news today? Nine boxes of docs taken from Biden lawyer's office So lyin' Biden still has boxes trickling in. If this was Trump, this news would be front and center today.
  9. Just another stupid liberal living off the stupidity of stupid liberals, Around and around we go
  10. Imagine that!!!!! Not a non-liberal in the bunch. Thanks for that info. I need to spend more time researching these crooks. We need to face the facts that we already know. Hackers have hacked into just about every puter system on earth, even our government's systems. I remember, a long time ago, seeing something about these machines sitting somewhere collecting dust before someone decided to test them.
  11. Do you just accept things at their face value and move on??? I have been causally paying attention to the big law suit that Dominion has against fox news. I tried to do a little research on exactly what Dominion had on Fox News. I ain't no lawyer so I will never know what Dromion actually has besides allegations' made by them and the whole Liberal news machine. So, if you claim to be a independent thinker, is Dominion right just because they are deluging Fox News with tons of paperwork?
  12. Sub-zero temps. Wind blowing up your butt. You look out the window and see your Musk Mobile plugged into a pole. YA BABY, ALL IS FINE IN THE LIBERAL WORLD.
  13. I claimed it was a set up right from the start by using common sense and logic. China has too many non-productive old people that they can't afford. What part of the population does the virus hit the hardest???? TA DAH
  14. Once again we the people paid the price of having Liberals in our lives. They don't have an answer to anything, even things that they created. Trump was stuck with their stupid. If he said no more masks and just one person died of the virus he would be labeled a killer.
  15. Then and now. Then Then the coronavirus struck. Trump routinely dismissed or politicized advice from his own health agencies. Without rehashing all the mistakes along the way, it was clear that the administration lacked a consistent strategy it could communicate clearly to the public Now All the so called experts have a decent amount of CROW on their plates. So who is smarter? Trump or your fake doctors on your payroll?
  16. And all the voted for Liberals' in congress is doing every stupid thing they can think of to make this country just like California. And the dumb azz liberal voters are right there with them.
  17. I seen the last 30 minutes or so on TV. He did a good job at hitting on all the stupid liberal things that are pizzing people off. This country needs him to serve a 4 year dictatorship. Tell the useless Congress to take 4 years off. Fire all the useless liberal judges and arm our military to the teeth and keep them here at home killing our enemies within. After 4 years elect Desantis to take over because we can't bring ST Ronnie back from the dead.
  18. This is a scandal of many of our best professional researchers lying to the American people We are living through the largest, deadliest scandal in American history, but the elite media refuses to connect the dots and analyze it. COVID-19, a disease no one disputes came from Wuhan, China, has killed more than 1.1 million Americans and more than 38 million people worldwide. It has left millions of others with chronic health problems. Because of the teachers’ unions and totally misguided, destructive public health policies, children who were under virtually no risk from COVID-19 have lost at least a year of education. Many children are suffering from depression and other mental health challenges from the forced isolation and lack of social contact. Now, it is becoming more clear that much of this pain was avoidable – and the result of powerful government employees protecting themselves. As Jarrett Stepman in The Daily Signal wrote: "In 2020, if you thought it was possible COVID-19 came from a lab in China you were labeled a conspiracy theorist, a peddler of misinformation, ‘bonkers,’ and a racist. "Facebook and other social media removed the lab leak claim from their apps or slapped ‘misinformation’ labels on it. Facebook did so in lockstep with the government. "So according to the standard set in 2020, the Department of Energy just came out as a racist purveyor of misinformation this week. "The Wall Street Journal reported on Sunday that, according to a classified intelligence report provided to the White House and Congress, the Department of Energy concluded that the COVID-19 pandemic likely came from a lab leak. ‘"The Energy Department’s conclusion is the result of new intelligence and is significant because the agency has considerable scientific expertise and oversees a network of U.S. national laboratories, some of which conduct advanced biological research,’ the Wall Street Journal report said." President Donald Trump called it "the Chinese Virus" and was intensely attacked. Somehow the word "Chinese" was deemed racist. No one disputes that the virus originated in China. But calling it COVID-19 rather than the Chinese virus was more polite. (After all, it’s important to indicate an appropriate sensitivity to the totalitarian dictatorship that is trying to defeat the United States and become the world’s leading power.) We now know this censorship and speech silencing was part of a systematic effort of senior scientists to mislead the American people. When COVID-19 first became a threat in early 2020, Dr. Anthony Fauci already knew the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) had funded research in the Wuhan Institute of Virology via EcoHealth Alliance. He knew the WIV was a subgrantee of EcoHealth Alliance – and that EcoHealth Alliance was not in compliance with its grant reporting. Specifically, the organization was out of compliance for a project that NIAID knew could potentially make novel bat-borne coronaviruses much more dangerous. Fauci knew all this. According to Kentucky Rep. James Comer, who is chairman of the House Committee on Oversight and Accountability, on Feb. 1, 2020, "Dr. Fauci, Dr. Collins, and at least eleven other scientists convened a conference call to discuss COVID-19. On the conference call, Drs. Fauci and Collins were first warned that COVID-19 may have leaked from the WIV and may have been intentionally genetically manipulated." The scientists decided to remain silent to avoid controversy (which would have ultimately fallen back on themselves). So, the same experts who are paid by the American people and given tens of billions of dollars to invest in research decided that they would deliberately mislead the American people. This perfectly captures the arrogance of the aristo-bureaucrats, who believe they are intellectually and morally superior to the people to whom they are supposed to be accountable. They believe they have the right and duty to censor what we think and say – and to feed us falsehoods in the name of some higher duty. The rest of the Liberal lies here-----> https://www.foxnews.com/opinion/biggest-scandal-american-history The scientists decided to remain silent to avoid controversy (which would have ultimately fallen back on themselves). Now remember this ultimate truth typed in red the next time you hear one Liberal idiot tell you all about the government paid experts and their guessing concerning Man Made Global Warming. OH WAIT, I mean Climate Change---of course the climate changes you bonified idiots, it changes all over the world every second of the day and night. All the tax dollars spent on these idiots and they get to tell you one thing that is correct----the climate changes. How many billions of dollars does each one of those 3 words cost????
  19. Physical beat down at the door then road rash on their faces as they are face planted out the door This is all that is needed people. It's that damn simple.
  20. Laws do not need to be corrected. Liberals need to be corrected. All this is the Liberals fault and the dumbazzes that let's them run their lives. Good people pay for what the crud steals. Walmart really does not lose a cent in the long run. Dubois will pay Walmart it's percentage of Walmarts losses in Liberal cities. Don't you see, people, Liberal actions never lose because others pay for their greed and stupidity.
  21. Your voted for government will not give up their power to Americans and a leader of Americans. Your voted for government thinks it is right because voters keep voting for it. Voter's, keep on voting like you have your whole voting life expecting something different. You fools, you fools.
  22. fedup


    Never see it and you will never see the guilty charged let alone convicted. Now if a non-liberal was at fault we would hear and see every slap the Liberals could find Don't forget what I said. The voting BS will be treated the same way. Everyone and everything was/is willing to do anything to keep Trump away from true Americans. It's right there in front of your face.
  23. Good grief Petee, your promoting and excepting things that are wrong in this country. They are not smart and they will vote for and protect their stupid spreading party. And NO COUNTRY should accept illegal invaders then coddle them.
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