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Posts posted by KittyMommy

  1. Some images from a recent trip to Gettysburg.....These three in particular, I cannot explain.


    First off:  The Witness Tree.  In the middle of town, this huge tree has stood since the battle.  Just one frame before, was of our ghost walk guide, giving us the story of the tree, then I shot this frame, which was supposed to be of the tree by itself....it was anything but....no settings changed, no lens changed, and nothing hit the lens.

    Posted Image


    Secondly, the Jennie Wade house.   What appears to be a face looks out at us from the window.....I think Jennie Wade is a farce.  She really has no place in the historical records of the battle in the town.  Very little mention of her at all.   But to hear some guides talk you'd think she was a saint or something.

    Posted Image


    Lastly, a paranormal investigation we got to participate in.  It was a house, used as a field hospital during the battle.  We are on an enclosed porch, and have activity with a male who indicated he was a solider from the Irish Brigade....there is a man standing next to me with a ball cap on.  Look at the windows...the one on the left of the frame.  An image of a man, wearing a cap of what a soldier of the period might wear, appears to be looking at us as we investigate.  At first I thought it was a reflection of the man next to me, but then I looked again;  the ball cap's bill is pointed the WRONG way for it to be the reflection of the man next to me....other than the three people in the photo, and me, there is NO ONE else on the porch with us.....

    Posted Image


    Lots of activity, including a disembodied voice, gently bidding us "goodnight" as we went to bed, being awakened by noises, bumps, shadows and such.


    Had to be the most activity I've ever been exposed to in my life, and I have to say that for about a month afterwards, I didn't feel 'grounded'.  


    If you go, (if you never have) be prepared, its like nothing you'll ever experience in your life.  The battlefield as well served up enough activity even in broad daylight...most of which were sounds rather than imagery.  On particular area, gave up the only malevolence I felt the whole time:  Devil's Den and the Slaughter Pen.  At that area, we all were hit with a wall of foul smelling air.  Thick, excrement-like scent, and every last one of us said at the same time:  "We need to leave here, NOW."


    The paranormal experiences aside, the history, and solemnity of the battlefield, is the primary reason to be there.  It absolutely boggled my mind to imagine what took place in that small town, in the course of three days.......the respect you feel while there can't be explained.


    Still there are those who insist on disrespecting that hallowed ground...at Little Round Top, I climbed the castle-like tower steps, only find something foul on the steps that had me seriously wondering if people really KNEW or UNDERSTOOD where they were and what had taken place there.



  2. From what I've been reading in various circles, he is upset over the end of his marriage....hard to say who split first, but there are a bunch of posts and tweets and all that crap....maybe pushed him over the edge....


    Jason Hawes posted his concern for Brian on Facebook and also that he'd been found.  Brian's wife also posted that he's heading for mental treatment.


    Hopefully he gets what he needs to make a complete turnaround.  Seemed like a nice enough kid on the show.  

  3. Well, I have some new experiences to share:


    Recently some friends visited from Washington state.  We decided to go to Gettysburg.  I've never had so much activity around me in all my life.....


    Our hotel room was haunted.  One night as we all were bedding in for the night, two of us distinctly heard a voice we did not recognize bid us 'goodnight'.


    One of our party lost and found a silver chain at least twice.  Each time, we all saw her put it on, and never take it off, yet twice it mysterious left her neck, then re-materialized later on, in a place that it wasn't even near.


    At the Jennie Wade house, a face peered out from the window in a photo I took....Wade is NOT highly thought of by any historians of the battle.


    At the "Witness Tree" in town, a photo I thought would just show the tree, turned out to show some seriously weird light effects, and motions, and the photo is all kinds of distorted.  The photo before and after it are fine.


    On a paranormal investigation we got a chance to participate in, contact was made with a spirit, who indicated he was a soldier with the Irish Brigade.  I took a photo while this was going on...a man can be seen silhouetted in the window, and he appears to have on the clothing a soldier of the period would wear.....


    It was an incredible trip overall.....although the town because of the battle, is no doubt haunted, that's not the real reason to go...the history of the time, and remembrance should be the number one reason to visit.


  4. When I moved to the Outer Banks of North Carolina for six months for my job...the small house I'd rented, had activity that led to an experience I'll not soon forget.  Mind you, I've not told many people about this...never even told my spouse or family about it....but if its a real ghost/poltergeist/paranormal experience you want to read about, then read on.


    I'd rented a cute little 3 bedroom stilt/pier bungalow that sat right on NC 12 as you head north to Duck and Corolla.  It was but 10 minutes from the store, so it was perfect.  The price was right too so I rented it sight unseen.  It was a temporary rental, for the winter months.   I moved in, alone.  My husband and I had decided that I would do the six months that was required of me, and if we made it a permanent move, we'd find a permanent residence.


    From the get go, I was not comfortable in the house.  I felt like I was being watched.  Upon returning to the house, I'd check every door and window, every closet.  I didn't know if I were looking for someone who was trying to break in, or something else.  But I couldn't stop doing that.  I HAD to check the whole house.  EVERY time.  I'd tried to write if off to living there all by myself, with no neighbors, because it was the off season, and no one was in any of the other homes, that were all vacation rentals....but that wasn't it.


    I never slept well either.  I'd wake up in the middle of the night, toss and turn and try to get back to sleep.......it almost felt like someone did not want me in that house.


    Then one night, it happened.   I was awakened from sleep by the sensation of a hand on my throat.  My first thought was someone had broken in, and I was in serious trouble....I knew where the light switch was on my nightstand, and I summoned all my strength, and threw myself, (literally) out of the bed, bounced off the wall, and hit the light switch on, as I came up.  There was NO ONE in the room....NO ONE.  I went in to the bathroom and looked in the mirror, sure enough, there were marks on my neck, that looked like a hand....


    I went out to my living room, and got a white sage smudge that I had, and sea salt.  Lit the sage, and enclosed myself in a salt circle, and lit a single white candle.    I then addressed whomever it was, that I meant them no harm, and if they were upset with my being in the house, that I would leave, and to give me a sign if that's what they wanted, but I also  I told them I would not be living there very long, and that I wasn't going to change the house, or hurt the house, and that I liked it too, that it was pretty, and I could understand why they were protective of it, that I would be too.  I asked them to please leave, and not hurt me again.  I then prayed like I'd never prayed in my whole life.  This went on for about an hour or so......


    Then, just like that, it felt like something 'lifted' off the whole house....the atmosphere was calmer, pleasant, and warmer.  I was able to sleep perfectly for the remainder of my time there....and I stopped checking all the closets and such upon coming home from work.  Not long after several guests from PA came down to visit for a few days, and all of them said what a wonderful little house it was.


    Sadly the job did not pan out, and I ended up coming back home......in spite of the frightening event, I was sad to leave that little house.....I actually cried when I did leave, and I thanked that prior owner (my own conclusion based upon the whole experience) for allowing me to live there.  


    I have been extremely sensitive to activity ever since.......


    The little house on NC 12 is still there, and is a vacation rental.... and I'll give the name to anyone who would like to stay there.


    Like I said at the beginning, this is the first time I've ever really told this story....didn't even tell my husband, or anyone else in my family..don't know why...just never did.....




  5. First picture:  I see the orbs, but I think those are the dust or pollen....


    Now the SECOND one, I see much more....the bright white orb is MOVING....rest of the picture, is quite sharp....but does anyone else see anything directly in the middle of the tracks in front of him???

  6. Possibly higher resolution camera, and it looks like he had the flash unit on...I could be wrong of course....


    I'm up for a walk through sometime.....let me know when the next one is.....



    Anyone up for checking out the Highland St. Tunnel????  I used hunt fossils there as a kid...we'd need plenty of tick repellant I'm sure, because of the weeds....but......

  7. I just use 2 tablespoons of baking soda dissolved in a quart of water, put in a spray bottle and use.  Natural deodorizer, and its pet friendly.  Its also easier on folks who get scent triggered migraines.


    The one I saw on Pinterest is:


    1/8 cup of downy

    2 tbsps. baking soda

    hot tap water.


    put the downy and soda in a spray bottle, and then fill with the hot water.



  8. A good while back, someone mentioned a soap called ZOTE from Mexico.  Well, I found it at Savealot, and bought two bars.  Right off the bat when I opened it, I didn't like it, its too soft to shred in the food processor without gunking up.  Two, when I started melting it down to make the liquid detergent, I noticed a distinct "tarrow" smell.  That usually indicates an animal fat present. There is a 'tarrowate' listed as an ingredient, so its possible, that this isn't exactly vegan friendly soap.  ALSO, it doesn't melt well at all, and when I mixed it in the bucket it all clumped up into sticky, gooey chunks, that I had to skin off.  Its HORRIBLE.  


    I'll stick with Fels.  I like the smell better, and so much easier to use.


    If anyone seriously does like this soap, I have one bar left, and I'll give it away.  I have no intention of using it.

  9. I know I would too.  And I think that with the proper execution, the entire project would end up not only preserving the railroad history, it would also provide a scenic trail.  Its all in how it will be done.  I hope they get the grants and the go ahead.  I lived on Hillcrest as a kid, and remember the trains going through daily.  Our eighth grade class did a fossil hunt there, and it was great!  We're losing far too much of the great railroad history of our area.  My late father was a proud B&O man, and I think he'd like to see the RR history preserved somehow.  Preserving the no longer used tunnels, rail lines, and bridges, for Rails To Trails use, serves two great purposes!  


    I say "just do it!"


  10. Homemade Ginger Ale Recipe




    Ginger water

    1 cup peeled, finely chopped ginger

    2 cups water


    Simple Syrup

    1 cup sugar

    1 cup water


    Club soda

    Lime juice

    Lime wedges


    1 Bring 2 cups of water to a boil in a saucepan. Add ginger. Reduce heat to medium low and let ginger sit in the simmering water for 5 minutes. Remove from heat and let sit for 20 minutes. Strain liquid through a fine mesh strainer. Discard ginger pieces.


    2 In a separate saucepan, make the Simple Syrup by dissolving 1 cup granulated sugar into 1 cup of boiling water. Set aside.


    3 Make individual (tall) glasses of ginger ale by mixing 1/2 cup of ginger water with 1/3 cup of Simple Syrup and 1/2 cup of club soda. Add a few drops of fresh lime juice and a lime wedge to each glass.


    Makes four servings.

  11. How does the homemade laundry soap affect the color in clothing?   Have you seen any fading?  

    If anything, I have noticed that clothes that looked duller before, brightened back up more after going on the home brew.  I think it rinses cleaner.


    Its just the best darn stuff eh?


  12. I got my Fels at Martins, at  $1.49 a bar.


    Bilo has it, Martino's in Brockway has it, and I think Kmart has it.


    If you really want to see it at WalMart, call:  1800WALMART, and tell them you want to see that product on the shelves.


  13.     Potato Chip Encrusted Haddock

        * 2 tbsps olive oil .

        * zest of 1/2 a lemon

        * fresh ground black pepper .

        * 2-3 lbs Haddock

        * 1 (5 1/2 oz) bag kettle-cooked potato chips .

        * sea salt




    Preheat oven to 400

  14. Oh boy, I had the ULTIMATE test of the home brew.  I ran out.  During the winter storm, when even with four wheel drive, I was not leaving my house!  And when I went to make another batch, and found I did not have any Fels Naptha bars.  So, being that I needed work clothes, I was forced to use, the 'back up bottle' of commercial laundry detergent.  


    I'm here to tell you, I not only SAW a difference, I smelled and felt it as well.  I could not STAND the scent left behind by the commercial detergent, and my sweaters and slacks did not have that nice clean 'feeling' when they came out of the dryer.  They felt as if they had residue in them. The colors also, looked a bit dull.  So needless to say, I stocked up on all the ingredients on my next trip to town, and made a four bar batch of powder!  


    Then, the home brew got another real test:  diesel fuel.  When fueling up, my hands got so cold, I lost grip on the nozzle, and splashed a bit of fuel on my pant legs.  I was thinking the pants would need pitched, but, I decided to give them a wash in the home brew.  I kid you not, the stains, as well as the stink came out.  


    I mean I KNEW I liked this stuff, but I didn't realize just how much of a difference there really was!



  15. It was beautiful.  My father was looking at it at one time to purchase it.  Not sure why he never did.  But it was rustic, and a beauty all its own, and a peacefulness I really liked.  When it burned down, sometime in the 70's if memory serves, I was very sad.  I knew I'd never see it again....

  16. Okay its not a cookie, but there isn't a 'fudge' and 'candy' thread....


    Pumpkin Nut Fudge

    1     cup     sugar

    1/2     cup     firmly packed light brown sugar

    1/4     cup     evaporated milk

    1/3     cup     canned pumpkin  (not pie filling)

    1/3     cup     butter

    6     oz     vanilla chips usually found near chocolate chips)

    1/2     jar     marshmallow creme (or 3 1/2 oz.)

    1/2     cup     chopped nuts (walnuts or pecans)


    Combine the sugars, evaporated milk, pumpkin  and butter in a heavy saucepan. Bring to a boil, stirring constantly. Boil about 4 minutes over medium heat or to 234 degrees on a candy thermometer. Stir continuously to prevent scorching. Remove from heat and add vanilla chips. Stir until melted. Stir in marshmallow creme and nuts. Pour into a buttered 8-inch square pan. Refrigerate until firm enough to cut (may take several hours).

  17. I have a Whirlpool Duet HE, and use the home brew in it exclusively.  Not one SUD error with home brew.  If I have to use commercially produced product, even HE types, I get SUD errors!!!


    I'm glad you all like the stuff.  So easy to make, easy on the environment, your washer, and your wallet!!!


    There's tons of recipes for home cleaning items, that are easy on the budget and Mother Earth.  


    I got this one from a friend in Alaska, (the home brew laundry powder or liquid), and its all over the net now.  I mean all over!!! LOL!  Not sure who really started it, but its great stuff!!!

  18. That's where my grandpa worked as well. The B & O!!!!!!! If you guys do go down there, just becareful. There are alot of weeds and all kinds of stuff. Like I said That property right by the ol' tracks still belongs to my grandpa, and he used to drive his truck down there and cut the brush all the time, now, since he's not in that great of health, he hasn't gone down.  Kittymomma, does your family still live up there?

    When I told my dad that the over 100 year old roundhouse had burned, I saw tears in his eyes....that really was the end of an era when it burned.

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