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Petunia hanging basket


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I trimed one of my wave petunia hanging baskets back to three inch stems about four weeks ago. To my surprise, they grew back nicely and I had a bloom on the new growth this week. This basket is to  nice to let die in the cold winter air. I think that I will move it inside  before the next frost and see how long I can keep it alive in my kitchen!

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We treat petunias as annuals because they will not come through our winters but they are probably good for many seasons in their native climate. I suspect that they don't go completely dormant where ever they are native something like pansies. Cutting them back will rejuvenate them for another blooming session. It may be difficult to give them enough sun indoors to keep them growing nicely but you should be able to enjoy them for quite some time.

If you do get them through the winter cut them back and stick them outside for the summer and they will come back.

I've never tried this with petunias but I've had some luck with other hanging baskets full of so called annuals.

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I did this a while back with Geraniums and had great luck until late January. I'll let you know how the Petunias grow.

We treat petunias as annuals because they will not come through our winters but they are probably good for many seasons in their native climate. I suspect that they don't go completely dormant where ever they are native something like pansies. Cutting them back will rejuvenate them for another blooming session. It may be difficult to give them enough sun indoors to keep them growing nicely but you should be able to enjoy them for quite some time.

If you do get them through the winter cut them back and stick them outside for the summer and they will come back.

I've never tried this with petunias but I've had some luck with other hanging baskets full of so called annuals.


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I'd be interested in hearing how it turns out. I can always use personal experience for the newsletter. What works in books and magazines doesn't always work in DuBois.

Two years of experimenting and we've concluded that you can save seeds from the Wave petunias and have them come true for all practical purposes. This is the kind of info you don't get from the seed companies. They also aren't going to tell you that you can carry over your baskets of petunias.

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You probably had such good luck with your petunias because we've had such a long beautiful fall.  Everything rebloomed or at least tried.


Next year, keep your regular petunias trimmed back on a frequent basis and they will perfrom better.

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