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Yellow Jackets


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Finally found a way to stop them.  Since Wasp and Hornet sprays do little to even slow them down, I got one of those sticky cylinders and just duct taped it to the entrance of the nest......then I ran!  They don't seem mean but one did fly into the side of my face the other day.  I'm allergic to bee stings and don't want the grandkids stung so they had to go.  There's a ton of them stuck to the cylinder.

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Finally found a way to stop them.  Since Wasp and Hornet sprays do little to even slow them down, I got one of those sticky cylinders and just duct taped it to the entrance of the nest......then I ran!  They don't seem mean but one did fly into the side of my face the other day.  I'm allergic to bee stings and don't want the grandkids stung so they had to go.  There's a ton of them stuck to the cylinder.


Petee, be careful when you remove the cylinder.  I am sure you already know since you are allergic, but just in case, the little buggers can still sting you; even dead.

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