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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/14/2017 in all areas

  1. First, my job is to notice it before my employees do. Second, if my lead operator said he was afraid to be on the hill, I would damn sure be concerned that something was wrong. If you want to play the scenario out, I would move the entire tipping operation to a safe area of the landfill, then I would call my GM, area Ops Manager, and area Environmental Engineer to come and evaluate why the hill was moving. That's called "differential settlement", and is a sure sign that one area is settling much faster than the rest of the landfill. I'm not going to comment what the other guys should have done, hindsight and all, but you asked me what I would do, not the company I work for. That's how those questions should be asked on the other side as well...
    1 point
  2. well they didn't get the guys off the hill soon enough osha report said ADS did not provide safe working environment. No crap we were saying that for a year
    1 point
  3. the sad story is the whole sludge thing was the problem but ADS was only wrong because of bad business practices so to say. When the marcellus shale drilling started around here some politician that prob got a nice chunk of change from the gas industry made the changes to the sludge cap at PA landfills. Well someone pushed it anyway prob had to go through pa senate or something of that nature, but prob just pushed through because no one had any idea it was even an issue, the one of many problems with government.
    1 point
  4. union would never work we have too many old schoolers but that is right we do need one.
    1 point
  5. I've worked in both union and non-union businesses and in union and non-union positions within them, and have had safety committees in every one of them. I can't say a union environment today is universally better for employees with all of the laws and agencies involved and available to protect workers. What I do see is people who fear for their jobs find comfort in expecting union protection to keep their jobs. The other side of that is I see unions protecting employees who should not be working at the expense of better workers. It's a two way street and I personally was better served working in a non-union position, where others may not have been.
    1 point
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