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Everything posted by Pompeii

  1. No problem, will add it tomorrow
  2. moving this to the>> Recipe forum so it always stays on the forum thanks Bon!!
  3. That's what we used. You want to use the medium grate side, you don't want them too large and if you try the smallest grate size it will take you hours instead of minutes.
  4. You can add your canning recipes here. Just reply to this post.
  5. I'll give a prize out if we can determine out the correct date. Evo Facchine from the Historical Society would probably know. They probably have that photo there. I will be meeting with him next week, I'll see if I can come up with something.
  6. The 125th consecutive family reunion. William Penhall and Mary (Mitchell) Penhall left St. Austell, Cornwall England and arrived in Ellis Island New York on December 1st 1880. They traveled with William's sister Annie and the couples three small children first traveling to Brady's Bend, then to Reynoldsville and finally purchasing a plot of land and building a house in Rathmel in the spring of 1885 now known as the Myer's house. In 1896 John Penhall married Mary Eliza Charlton and from this union, ten children were born. Today, after seven generations we still occupy a great deal of Rathmel with the names McAninch, Hetrick, McClinsey, Uplinger just to name a few. We thank God for keeping us close and strong as a family and we praise Him for carrying us through the hard times. We want to thank our wonderful friends and neighbors for all the love and support you have shown us over the years. Photo is from the Reynolsville Grange on 8/22/10 Kim Carney Norfolk Va email: [mail]rathmelgirl57@cox.net[/mail] Here is the LARGE original photo for the Family for printing: http://dl.dropbox.com/u/6669519/PENHALL82210.jpg
  7. Thats cool. Thanks! Last week I was looking at older versions of GoDuBois that I had on discs. Had no idea that it was achived on other sites.
  8. Ice Cream Sandwich Recipe Ice Cream Sandwich Recipe - More DIY How To Projects http://www.instructables.com/id/Ice-Cream-Sandwich-Recipe/?ALLSTEPS&ref=flash
  9. Below are part 1 and part 2 in the next reply. Both are about 15 minutes a piece. Depending on the speed of your internet connection you might have to keep it in the pause mode for a while until it loads the video a little bit. The Big Cat Encounter @ DuBois Community Days (PART 1 of 2) from Steve Pompeii on Vimeo. The Big Cat Encounter @ DuBois, Pa. Community Days June 11 2010. (Part 1 of 2)
  10. Use Alka-Seltzer to Relieve Summertime Bug Bites Despite all those tips on avoiding stings and bites, Mother Nature and the wrath of summer still got to you. Give yourself some relief from that irritating bite with Alka-Seltzer laying around the house. Household site DIY LIfe suggests dropping two Alka-Seltzer tablets into warm water. Soak a cotton ball in it, and then apply it your bite for 30 minutes. (You should not use this trick if you are allergic to aspirin.) Alka-Seltzer contains sodium bicarbonate, an active ingredient in baking soda, which helps relieve the itch. If that doesn't relieve your itch, try applying nail polish or just applying some good ol' Bengay on the bite. <hr> Unusual Uses For Alka-Seltzer These fizzy little pills will help you unclog the sink, polish jewelry and more. Alka-Seltzer tablets and their generic equivalents are useful for more than just relief from indigestion and heartburn. From cleaning your toilet to attracting fish, these little pills pack big power when used in other ways. Clean Your Toilet Drop two tablets in the toilet, wait 20 minutes for the citric acid to loosen the grime, scrub and flush. Your toilet will look as clean as it would had you used conventional cleaners. Unclog the Sink A great natural solution for unclogging the drain! Drop 3 tablets down the drain, followed by a 1/2 cup of vinegar. Let the hot water run for 5 minutes and you'll have a clear drain. This will also work to deodorize the drain. Clean Burnt Food Off Glass Cookware Burnt the casserole again? Even with a good scrub, sometimes the food seems to stay. Enter Alka-Seltzer. Drop 5 tablets in a sink full of hot water, soak your cookware for an hour and the burnt food will come off with ease. Clean a Glass Jar, Vase or Thermos For difficult to clean vessels with intricate design and hard to reach places, a wash cloth or scrub brush just won't do. Instead, drop two Alka-Seltzer tablets in, add hot water and swish it around until the tablets are dissolved and let it sit for an hour. Rinse, and the glass jar, vase or Thermos will be as clean as new. Polish Jewelry Drop two tablets in a bowl of warm water. Let your jewelry soak for about 20 minutes. It will look new again! (Note: This is not safe for pearls or opals.) Clean a Coffee Percolator Fill the water chamber and drop in two tablets, then run a cycle. This will clean out all the internal components. Run through another plain water cycle before using the machine again for coffee. Go Fishing Fish love bubbles, and dissolving Alka-Seltzer is very bubbly. Put a tablet inside your tube jig and cast off. The fish won't be able to resist the stream of bubbles. Soothe Insect Bites Drop two tablets in warm water, then soak a cotton ball in the solution. Apply it to the infected area for 30 minutes for relief from the insect bites. Aside from these great Home Ec. solutions, Alka-Seltzer tablets have been attributed medicinal benefits beyond those listed on the box. Here are two of the rumored benefits: Manage Nicotine Addiction Take two Alka-Seltzer tablets three times daily to relieve nicotine withdrawal symptoms and curb cravings. Cure Urinary Tract Infections Take two tablets in a glass of water as soon as you notice symptoms. Results are almost immediate. Keep in mind that Aspirin is a main ingredient in Alka-Seltzer so those with Aspirin allergies shouldn't use it.
  11. These are always located in the "Forum Rules & Tips" Category for easy resizing on-line. Here are 10 very good image resizers that are FREE and easy to use. You want to resize most normal photos to 500 to 600 pixels width. The Photos that are larger in height than width you want to keep them around 300 - 350 pixels width. http://www.shrinkpictures.com/ http://www.resize2mail.com/ http://www.picresize.com/ http://online-image-resize.kategorie.cz/ http://www.resizr.com/ http://snipshot.com/ http://resizr.lord-lance.com/ http://www.photosize.com/ http://quickthumbnail.com/ http://www.imageutils.com/
  12. I love looking at those old time photos. Have you tried looking at the Dubois Historical Society, uptown? They might be able to help you but I think they are closed until April.
  13. 5 Minute Chocolate Cake Recipe
  14. Why don't you do it right here ??????????
  15. old jail DuBois Pa. (photo and article date unknown to me)
  16. Here is a letter asking the mayor and councilman why they haven't replied for a request for $20 raise for the month in Sept. 1918.
  17. History of the DuBois Police Department Thanks to Officer Licatovich for the disc he shared. I will posting photos and articles here and will keep this thread locked to keep it more organized. If you want to comment on any of these please start a new thread in this forum which is the "Local History Forum" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- First up is a letter asking the DuBois Borough for a $10 raise for the month in 1903. ;D
  18. Pumpkin Spiced Cream Cheese Breakfast Rolls 2 packages/cans Pillsbury Crescent Rolls 4 0z cream cheese, softened 1/4 Cup brown sugar 1/4 Cup canned pumkin (Libby
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