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Everything posted by Petee

  1. Here's the Frugal Village link: http://www.frugalvillage.com/
  2. I was visiting some farmers today and they showed us a product called Revenge to kill small furry varmints. http://www.usahardware.com/inet/shop/item/92360/icn/20-743096/bonide/61110.htm Here's some other info I found about them and how to repel them from your plants: All About Grounfhogs: http://landscaping.about.com/cs/pestcontrol/a/groundhog_day_2.htm?iam=momma_100_SKD&terms=Groundhog+Revenge
  3. The Mums in the Historical Society beds came back with such energy that they took over the beds and they had to go. Mulch them well over the winter or cover them with a styrofoam cone. Just be sure to remove mulch from the center first thing in the spring so it can get air circulation. You can leave the mulch on the outer portion of the root system but the crown needs to be a little elevated. Where I live it's sometimes 10 degrees colder than in town and they will not overwinter here, so if you have a warm protected spot, that's where they will stand the best chance of coming back. You can also keep them in big pots in the ground, lift them in the fall and bring them into a sheltered garage or shed that has a little bit of heat and then put them back out in the spring. They will get bigger every year to the point that you can divide them.
  4. Take the entire plant out of the pot and set it on newspaper for a day. Don't water it again till it lets you know and then water it sparingly. If it hasn't acquired an actual fungus you might be able to save it.
  5. I would spray it well with Coyote Urine on as regular a basis as possible. The groundhogs have always loved that bed.
  6. I have two although the other is smaller. There's nasty price to keeping them, they have the worst thorns in the world! As you can see I've been avoiding them like the plague! :-)
  7. Oh heck, I thought I deleted this post.
  8. This plant came from my Grandmother's home on Boone Mountain. It was brought here from Scotland by her Mother or Grandmother. I didn't know to ask her more details and she died when I was 13. She had an arbor with Red, White and Pink roses.
  9. This plant came from my Grandmother's home on Boone Mountain. It was brought here from Scotland by her Mother or Grandmother. I didn't know to ask he rmore details and she died when I was 13.
  10. The intricacy of this flower is unbelievable!
  11. Mine have finally bloomed too!
  12. This is a wonderful flower that I received from a friend in Falls Creek quite a few years ago. It reseeds itself and puts on a repeated show of bright pink flower heads. I do nothing for them and they just grow and grow. I will have these at the BUDS Summer Plant sale.
  13. This is probably a lot more than you really want to know about Black Spot on Roses, but it's complete! :-) http://plant-disease.ippc.orst.edu/disease.cfm?RecordID=981
  14. Foxglove is a Biennial so it grows leaves and roots one year then produces flowers and seeds the next year. Then it dies. It reseeds itself, so if you plant a flowering plant two years in a row and they successfully reseed, you'll have flowers for years to come.
  15. We're going to have the electrician wire it so it's grounded. I have a hose and an electric cord strung out there now and I keep wondering how long till I forget to pull the cord out and give it a shot of water! I'm having a water faucet installed in there too because I'm getting way too old for this! If hubby thinks it will keep me happily employed and out of his hair for the next ten years or so, he'll do it! :-)
  16. What seems to have stopped the pepper munchers or did it just happen on its own?
  17. I finally got my camera working again! Here's not only my greenhouse but my garden as well.
  18. Please be aware that Moth Balls can be very toxic and may contaminate your food crops. We used to shove a box of them down Groundhog holes till I read about using them where there are wells, food crops and children. Maybe they would work put into butter tubs with holes in the top and buried?
  19. Please be aware that Moth Balls can be very toxic and may contaminate your food crops. We used to shove a box of them down Groundhog holes till I read about using them where there are wells, food crops and children.
  20. Yep! http://www.moscowfood.coop/archive/scapes.html
  21. Some people on here have had good success with something called Liquid Fence. It might be worth a try.
  22. The lower one looks like it may be an undeveloped seed head from onion or garlic?
  23. Here's the picture of what I have. It looks littler in the picture for some reason or maybe the woman is tall.
  24. For Harbor Freight in Altoona go to the mall that has the Toy store and pet store. Harbor Freight is the store in the left corner. Take a truck because even the small one will not fit in any sort of a car.
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