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Everything posted by Petee

  1. There's one on DuBois Street (the road to Falls Creek?) behind a big brick rental house. It's on the back alley right next to Luther Funeral Home. It goes up the tree and covers it with blooms but when that baby comes down, everyone had better un for cover!
  2. My Polaroid Digital died a couple of weeks ago and I've been using a throw away camera. When I get enough pictures taken I will get a CD to share.
  3. I pruned my daughter's Rhododendron into a tree and so many people commented on it.
  4. Number 5 practically glows with a light of its own!
  5. I'd say you got an unexpected blessing and just enjoy them!
  6. Thanks, I had that website on my list of things to check out when I had time. I also checked out the Strawberry Tree which supposedly grows an edible berry. A lady bought it and asked me about whether it was real. I'm curious to see whether she gets something unknown or a Cornus Kousa which resembles a Strawberry but isn't edible to my knowledge.
  7. Has anyone tried growing one? I had a drop off of tomato plants today and this was in with them. About 30 Tomato Trees!
  8. North Carolina Green Pepper pests http://ipm.ncsu.edu/vegetables/Pamphlets/peppers/peppers.html
  9. I am soooo jealous. A friend sent seeds from Wyoming but they didn't germinate! Rats!
  10. The one at the Medicine Shoppe is just coing into bud so the flowers will probably be good for viewing for a couple of weeks after this next week. They are about a good week from opening. Stop by and take a look.
  11. It must be in a perfect place! They last for quite a while from buds to the flowers starting to fade. Enjoy!
  12. It was quite a few years, maybe about 7? I never pruned or root pruned it so it was like a wild manian trying to take over that end of the house. Occasionally I still got flowers. Last year I chopped it back to a nubbin and now I have quite a few. There are a lot of suckers which will grow exactly like the parent plant. If I get some help, I'll do some starters.
  13. My Wisteria is beautiful this year but my Polaroid Digital died so I have to go develop film!
  14. Since I now have a greenhouse, I can part with the sliding glass window panels that I've been saving to build one. Anyone want them, just PM me.
  15. Mountain Pie Ideas: I collected and am posting these from the Message Forum. Some of them sound too good to lose! Brown sugar cinnamon: brown sugar, cinnamon, a little butter. Hot Dog and beans Canned deer meat, with or without cheese. Slice a marshmallow up in cherry pie filling. Reuben mountain pie? Deli corned beef, sliced thin, kraut, swiss cheese, thousand island dressing. Ham & cheese Peanut butter and jelly. Caramel apple pie: Use crescent roll dough instead of bread Put apple pie filling, cinnamon, brown sugar inside and a couple of caramels. Top with vanilla ice cream and caramel sauce. Pizza pie filling and spreadable cream cheese. Leftover scrambled eggs, home fries, green peppers, onion, cheese, sausage or bacon Peanut butter with chocolate pudding and an optional marshmallow. TIP: Get the spray butter (I Can't Believe It's Not Butter is what we use) it works MUCH better than the messy sticks!
  16. If a small family wanted to grow several kinds of squashes and not end up with lots of seeds left over, it would be nice to be able to buy one plant at a time instead of seed packs. I grow one bucket of straight necked yellow squash every year on my deck.
  17. I have several of the portable greenhouses and the nice thing is that they can easily be wheeled into a garage or the house at night or when the temps fall.
  18. We will have very well rooted tomatoes at the BUDS Gardeners plant sale on the last weekend of May and the first weekend of June. Our plants are good sized too!
  19. I have Red Currants, Gooseberries and White Pines all within spitting distance of each other but after 20+ years, no problems.
  20. Yes, you do not need ants to make your Peonies bloom. There is a fungus that can kill your blossoms but whether the ants carry it there or whether they avoid the plants with the fungus, I'm not sure.
  21. Ants really have nothing to do with a Peony blooming or being damaged. They just like collecting the nectar droplets that occur on some varieties and may actually protect the flowers from some harmful bugs. As long as the area you are planting them into is well drained there should't be a problem transplanting them. However, the best time is within a couple of weeks after they actually bloom.
  22. Bleeding Hearts, Wild Columbine, Tulip?
  23. That's more than decent, it's wonderful!
  24. They usually have them at Lowes.
  25. Gorgeous! What is the flower in the first photo with white flowers?
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