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Posts posted by old3dogg

  1. I will gladly help lead anyone through the upper tunnel and safely down the hill to the lower tunnel lol), but I will not go to the lower (active) tunnel as night falls. Never again will I go through seeing or feeling anything like that in my life again. And I like ghosts, I have a hobby of hunting them...but that thing, that was just demonic in nature.  To feel a child like apparition hold onto my boot as I walked and then turn around and see the fog  at the entrance turn into a human form at the other end walking back and forth (as if a warden) was enough for me.

    Would you hold my hand? :pray:

  2. I know you have all missed my sick sense of humor.  So I did a quick web search and came up with this:


    "I find Bald Eagle tastiest when cooked just as you would cook duck ala orange. The orange sauce off sets the wild flavor, and let's face it, ducks are pretty small birds and hardly worth the effort to cook them. A good sized bald eagle will easily serve a party of eight to ten people. Just make sure you extend the cooking time from the duck recipe.. I would say at least 5 to 6 hours at 350 if fresh. If frozen thaw in refrigerator overnight. Serve over a bed of wild rice."

    How do you know its a Bald Eagle?

    Because it combs its hair to one side.


    That's it. That's the best joke I've heard in weeks. Pretty sad.

  3. Pretty kitty!!!! He looks kinda like my KitKat .. she would meow, but it was silent, just see her mouth move..lol, maybe they were related!!

    I think Mo was taken from his mom to soon. I had to feed him with an eye dropper for a few weeks. His mom was a stray who hung around the mill. I use to feed her. Poor thing got hit by a car. I couldn't find the other two kittens the day she got hit. Mo found me.

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