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Everything posted by PSTeach

  1. That's what our moonflower looked like. We really enjoyed it. Is there a prickly looking seed pod on it? We are ging to try to plant the seeds next spring.
  2. We have some nice sized tomatoes this year. No rot yet, crossing my fingers......
  3. Don't forget to put a dash of sugar in the water if you boil it. It enhances the sweetness.
  4. Neat. Glad you finally got an I.D. on it.
  5. From what I have read, you need to make sure you have enough planted that it will pollenate. My MIL only planted a small section one year, and it didn't do well.
  6. Well, I just found out I am allergic to tomatoes...... I am so sad! Lettuce too. I never heard of anyone being allergic to lettuce!! Guess I'll have to learn to make a good white sauce or something. Anyone need any tomatoes?? Ha ha ha
  7. A butterfly garden is definitely on my list of future projects. I wanted to do it this year, but never got to it. Guess I will have all winter to plan.
  8. OUr first year of trying to grow it, and, I have to say- it was DELICIOUS!! I think we planted enough that we should be able to eat it for at least 3 or 4 weeks. We even shared with the neighbors. I am really starting to love this gardening more every year!! I have to admit, we don't fuss over it very much, and still seem to get pretty good results, knock on wood.
  9. OUrs look like they are starting to turn, finally! Now I have to figure out what we're going to do with all of them!
  10. OUr cherry tomatoes are the size of golf balls this year. We didn't get some of our tomatoes staked, and they seem to be faring okay.
  11. We have tons of tomatoes, but will they ever turn red?? lol They look like they will soon.... (I hope!)
  12. I haven't tried this yet, but I will soon. Almost Modge Podge
  13. Well, I finally got the right ingredients, so I bet it will work even better, lol.
  14. There are many homemade baking mix type things, will you want to include them too?? (Like Bisquik etc.) Or are we thinking more along the lines of cleaning?
  15. I can't seem to keep things alive inside the house. I guess because I forget to water them enough, and the winter is so dry with the heat running. Maybe someday.... lol
  16. Only problem I have had so far is once in a while I find a trace of the Ivory soap on an article or 2 of the darks. Mustn't always disolve in the cold water. I need to remember to look for the Fels next time I am at Bilo. (Was in and out of there the other day, forgot!)
  17. I used one of the little 2 tablespoon medicine cups that come from cold medicines as my scoop. (For the dry detergent.) It works really well.
  18. Does anyone know any groups that encourage kids to garden? I was thinking about 4H, but I think they deal more with the animal aspect, though I am not sure. My son is really into gardening and planting, and I haven't come across any other kids that are.
  19. Somewhere at the beginning, they mentioned it doesn't "sud" very much. But it still gets them clean.....
  20. I used about 1 1/2. It seems to be getting them just as clean or cleaner than regular detergent.
  21. What can I make from the Hungarian wax peppers? We don't really eat stuff like that, but someone donated the plants, and I don't know what to do with the crop, lol.
  22. My son is having a blast with all the annuals on sale!
  23. I used the giant box of baking soda, it says on it that is can be used for laundry. If it isn't the right thing, it works well anyhow! I will look for the laundry kind when this one runs out. It seems to be working very well. Next question- is there a homemade softener too?? lol.
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