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Everything posted by steelnut

  1. Beautiful! My first blooms were yesterday.
  2. steelnut


    Her coloring reminds me on honey
  3. steelnut


    Beautiful pups!
  4. PA weather - look outside, then look again 5 minutes later and it's changed. Like today. Wind and snow and then sunshine with the birds singing away. Right now it's beautiful, I have the door open and the birds are very happy, worms everywhere.
  5. I want nice weather so that I can go out and play in the dirt
  6. Lots of blossoms, we covered them just to be safe.
  7. Does anyone know if a frost will kill my strawberries?
  8. I've read that they're plentiful in the New England states and Canada. But, I know that I read something somewhere a few years ago that they can be found in PA, it may have been on this forum. We've been pigging out on leeks, son brought us a five gallon bucket three weeks ago and another one on Mom's day, we love them!
  9. That's another thing on my bucket list, I want to find some!
  10. Does anyone know where I can find some black eyed susan vines? Thanks so much!
  11. Has anyone ever seen them in our area? I so want to try them.
  12. Last years herb garden was the first year in a raised bed off the patio that hubby make for me. I just couldn't believe that the thyme came back, it was a first for me.
  13. I've never seen anything like that, good grief, quick work!
  14. I've always been told that thyme is not a perennial and that oregano is. And that's how my herb garden has always worked until this year. My thyme came back and the oregano died?
  15. Yep, I have some buds left, but with this cold stretch coming, we'll see what happens....
  16. My daffodils are still splayed out and just sick looking for some reason. I only have a few scilla and they're just fine and the crocus are okay, too.
  17. First thing this morning I went outside to check and all of the daffodils were frozen along with the crocus About half of the lilacs were frozen too. I love tulips and planted over 100 bulbs back about 10 years ago. The critters seem to love those bulbs. I planted all colors. Here's the weird thing, the only tulips that I have left are the purple ones, how is that possible???
  18. I know, it's sad. I've been saying for the last few years that I never see kids riding bikes anymore in good weather. I know a lot of parents are afraid these days to let their kids go out to play. I can't imagine what it would be like. We went out after breakfast, straggled in for a bite for lunch and then had to be called in to eat dinner. And we were dirty little critters after a day outside, lol!
  19. OMG, me too! I'll buy a tomato, but there is absolutely no taste at all, they just put a little color into my salad.
  20. I agree, I grew up playing in the dirt and making mud pies. I don't think I'll ever outgrow it. Makes me wonder if any kids today even know what that means?
  21. I'm so looking forward to playing in the dirt!
  22. I forgot about that place, I think I went there two times as a teen.
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