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Everything posted by soccermom

  1. This is the reason I would not take my dog to a dog park. "Kubinec said he was a bit surprised at the recent outbreak of parvovirus, given the low number of cases he's seen recently. But he noted the disease is "ubiquitous" around the city's dog parks and other areas where pets frequent. "Pretty well any place where a dog has passed some stool, there's going to be parvovirus there," he said." http://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/thunder-bay/parvo-vaccine-spurs-debate-among-dog-care-professionals-1.2560851
  2. I love going to Parker Dan in the evening and watching all the bats fly out of the bat houses.
  3. What I don't get is why people go to listen to "experts" talk about Bigfoot sightings. How can anyone actually be an expert on the subject?
  4. If the tail was previously broken and didn't heal properly, he might be in pain. I would bet a vet would amputate. It's actually not that big of a thing. I had to have a cat's tail amputated one time because it had a bad break.
  5. There are more pictures. And they are from various positions. Note the trees and branches in the photos. http://www.bradfordtoday.com/community/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=3136#.UkMdV3-jL84
  6. Most of the fires were caused from human activity like smoking. But that poses an interesting question and I don't know the answer. Maybe a fireman can answer. After the big fire, how were the buildings constructed? Do they have firestops? I don't about the downtown buildings but I know some of the older houses in DuBois are built with firestops.
  7. After the big fire, they were no longer all wood construction.
  8. I don't remember fires in the stores above the light at Jared, other than the one just a few years back in that big apartment building and the one above the Dollar Store. I'm talking about the ones right below the Dollar Store.
  9. I remember all those great stores and businesses where the big apartment building is now located.
  10. I was thinking more along the lines of the owner being worried it would be labeled a historic site. I remember the story I read here a while back about the Reynoldsville stone. It was believed to be a tombstone of a Carthaginian from 100 to 300 AD.
  11. Sounds like there's a build up of "sludge" from liquid detergents. I'd try running baking soda and white vinegar through it with hot water and see if you can get it dissolved. This article talks about front loaders, but it should work on top loaders too. And if you are using a liquid detergent, throw it away and only use powders. That has made the world of difference for us. http://www.ecokaren.com/2009/06/front-loading-washer-maintenance/
  12. Got rid of the front loader and the liquid Tide. Bought a high efficiency top loader about 2 years ago that drains completely and that can have the lid left completely open. I haven't had any more issues since. Our old front loader was a mold and mildew nightmare. The clothing even started coming out smelly funny, so I decided I wasn't putting any more money into fixing the junky thing.
  13. Pictograph of large hairy man on a painted rock shelter near Taft, California. It was created 500 to 1000 years ago. The local tribes still call it the
  14. There was also Esau who was described as a big man completely covered in red hair.
  15. Very interesting writings of human remains of giants that have been found all over the world: http://www.freerepublic.com/focus/news/830123/posts
  16. There are people from time to time that are up to 9 feet tall, but there are no groups that are regularly that tall. There have been skeletons found of humans that were up to 12 feet tall.
  17. I like to watch that show. Have you seen the shows on the giant skeletons that have been found all over the world? Maybe those really were Bigfoot bones.
  18. You can still say whatever you want but that's ignoring what Dr. Ketchum said. Why you would do that, I don't know. She says it was a cross between a human and a hominin, which is an ancestor of humans. She clearly says non-ape. "Ketchum said the study had sequenced
  19. Sounds like Bigfoot is a relative of ours whether people like it or not!
  20. Very interesting article on how this got "outed" early and what they found: DNA study suggests Bigfoot exists 8:57 AM, Nov 27, 2012 Statesman Journal.com The whole Sasquatch thing may be moving from the realm of the weird to the level of
  21. It says it is a hominin. That means it is from the human branch and a relative of ours.
  22. No. I just know there are some very good websites where people post very cool local pictures and postcards.
  23. There are about 9 pictures at this website. http://www3.familyoldphotos.com/category/towns/helvetia-pa
  24. There's an old abandoned train tunnel there but I don't think there was a town.
  25. Why not? They're very high in protein!
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