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Posts posted by fedup

  1. Watching and hearing the so called news sources report on today's happenings is nothing but sad.

    Just another day put on by the voted for government. The beginning of a dog and pony show for votes that will produce not one guilty person paying any price for being so obviously guilty.

    Don't you wish you would have the same circumstances if your voted for government came after you?

    We will suffer months and months of pure lying bullsh!t while the lying news sources makes millions supplying words that the two sides wants to hear in order to remain comfy with their ignorance.

    Come silly season next fall, the same ignorant people will vote for more of the same using the bought for information .

    Our destiny is complete failure as we pretend to be the smartest creatures on earth.

    What a shame.


  2. 56 minutes ago, Constitutionalist said:

    Make sure both are treated fairly on both sides. Yes a coach in a game does that. But does that coach give the other side the resources needed from his team? No. And does a coach from a team not in the game send players to play in another teams game? No. This is between Russia and Ukraine. Why doesn’t other NATO countries step up and send resources like we are? Because they know better. They know they have to take care of their people first. Everyone expects the US to solved the worlds problems. I’ve had enough it personally. And here sits zellensky asking for another 60 billion. When is enough enough? Where are we getting all this money from? All it’s doing is making our way of life worse and worse. Making our inflation rate go higher and higher. Making our debt getting worse and worse.. and all it does is make life impossible for the working man. Send me money Petee. Life isn’t fair and equal for me. I can’t afford life so send me your resources so I can survive. You seem to be all for that so a check or cash is just fine. 

    You might want to start a LLC before she sends you money 🍻

  3. The worthless news decides to acknowledge that Obama knew and still knows the crooked that Biden and his family was doing and still is doing?

    Doesn't your vice president serve your president?

    Shouldn't your voted for president know what his possible replacement is/was and what he was doing with his position?

    Don't you think that your news sources should be giving you known facts that should, at least, make you question what is really happening?


  4. Your voted for government puts on a dog and pony show trying to make you believe that they care about what these colleges are doing to your country.

    If your voted for government really cared it would stop using your tax dollars for votes by giving these colleges free money.

    It would stop even thinking about forgiving student loans and using that joke for votes.

    It would stop giving tax breaks to the insanely rich as they brag about supporting a failing institution.


  5. Keep up the good work people. The Climate Summit liars trying to control your life are working at changing their wording in relation of the lies they have been telling you.

    Remember, they started out with the big scare "MANMADE GLOBAL WARMING" . When that failed they changed the scary words numerous times and ended up with "CLIMATE CHANGE" . They didn't count on what happened with that title. Even the dumbest of the dumb started waking up in the morning and seeing that their climate (they live in every day, changes every day).

    This just proves how they are trying to manipulate people in order to make money from the people they try to scare. 

    Even their poor little Greta has lost her "O POOR ME" status. 

    Remove these people from your life. Make them work for a living like you do.

  6. Magill ran away.  GOOD

    Hopefully no one will have to see her smirking smug Liberal face ever again.

    Not only did she speak arrogant stupid words she sarcastically twisted her face showing her distain about being questioned about her actions.

    Question, are there only Liberal women running liberal entities?

    Where are the, smarter than everyone else, Liberal men?

    Just what gender is controlling the Liberals?

    O WAIT, liberals can't decide what gender they are, let alone how to control things.

  7. 55 minutes ago, Polo said:

    I agree with alot of what Constitutionalist says.  I do think we need to still help other countries, but not to the extent we are.  I think there should be a limit.  If we don't help anyone, no one at all will coming running to help us if we need it.

    We can't save the world when we need saved and refuse to save ourselves.


  8. If your education system (that you pay dearly for) has produced these 2 women in charge of the highest of the highest education establishments in this country, just what is your tax dollars buying when it comes to educating your kids?

    The example we see is pretty clear. These women has been taught to lie and thumb their noses at your voted for, paid for government.

    Is this how you want your kids to be educated when they are not in your home?

    Do you want your kids to protest against the Jewish people while accepting the leaders of the Muslim Faith's idea of how your world should be?


  9. Hey, did you all see your educated college leaders testifying in front of Congress?

    Tell me again about how great our education system is. These women are the top of the line when it comes to paid for education. 

    They equal Braindead when it comes to embarrassingly stupid.

    It's ok with these ladies if you protest against Jews on their campus.

    Now do some research and find out how many millions of dollars they receive from Muslim countries.  Guess why it's ok to protest the Jews.

    Now check a little deeper and find out how many of your tax dollars is being given to these colleges.

    And don't forget, the liberals wants you to pay for the college loans that the protesters signed for.

    Ain't it great?????

  10. https://weather.com/news/climate/news/2023-12-05-record-warmest-november-earth-2023


    Read and question.

    Check out how they come up with these numbers.

    How many humans passed on numbers that they seen from recording devices that was supplied by who?

    Are you stupid enough to believe that anyone or anything can record worldwide weather and produce the results with a decimal point involved?

    Are you stupid enough to believe those that are telling you that you are destroying the planet because you are not meeting a number supplied by them that contains a decimal point?

    WAKE THE HELL UP AND USE THE BRAIN THAT YOUR MOTHER AND FATHER CREATED in their attempt to pass on what they learned from experience.

    Quit believing that your voted for government knows more than you do.

    Your not stupid 

  11. Check it out.

    Canada's Transmountian pipeline.

    Watch how the liberal treehuggers are screwing their liberal government owned pipeline as it tries to make money for it's government while supplying it's citizens with the energy it needs.

    More proof of a fact, liberals can fornicate up a one car funeral while they destroy a anvil with a rubber hammer.

    If you actually decided to learn something by researching this mess then ask yourself this question.

    Should a voted for government own a business that supplies something that it's citizens need to survive?

    Then ask yourself this, just what is the difference between liberalism and socialism?


  12. I would bring the match for free just to watch him cook.

    When are we gonna learn? Just because a person is born does not give that person the right to live in our society. 

    We all must earn the right to live in our free society.

  13. And then you have Al Gore who has never had a prediction he made come true. Not only has he never proven what he has lied about, despite his production of lying documentary films, he continues to control what YOU pay to live.

    Did you vote for him? 

    If you did, I bet you voted for him because of his liberal stance on abortion without paying attention to his real agenda of making money while you pay every day because you didn't pay attention to what he was really up to.

    How is your grocery bill working out for you today?

    How much are you paying for the energy you need to survive every day when you live in a country that can supply you with a unlimited supply of energy?

    How do you feel about your new president that you voted for who set about shutting down the production of the energy in your country (on his first day in office) that you need while he and his family takes money from countries that ignore the rules that control your life?



  14. John Kerry serves no useful purpose on this planet. At best, he is nothing but baggage that his wife endures.

    If he wants to stop his global warming (which is the biggest lie known to mankind besides any liberal thoughts) he can achieve his goal by shutting his lying greedy mouth.

    He is costing you money every day you are alive 

  15. I hope you all read my last post and took time to think.

    Remember, Paul Revere did not fight the revolution on his own. He just made an attempt to unite people. He warned people that the enemy of their freedom was no longer on their front steps, they were coming into their homes to continue their control.

  16. YOUR time has come. Take a lesson from people who suffered too long and took a stand against their suffering that created the greatest civilization ever know to mankind.  They declared their independence from those who were controlling them. They were so proud of their actions that they wrote the reasons why and what was needed, then they took action. 

    They not only took action to change what was taking their freedoms away,  they left instructions to future freedom loving people. Maybe we all ought to pay attention to the information and instructions that they wrote. 

    Declaration of Independence: A Transcription


    Note: The following text is a transcription of the Stone Engraving of the parchment Declaration of Independence (the document on display in the Rotunda at the National Archives Museum.) The spelling and punctuation reflects the original.

    In Congress, July 4, 1776

    The unanimous Declaration of the thirteen united States of America, When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.

    We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.--That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, --That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security.--Such has been the patient sufferance of these Colonies; and such is now the necessity which constrains them to alter their former Systems of Government. The history of the present King of Great Britain is a history of repeated injuries and usurpations, all having in direct object the establishment of an absolute Tyranny over these States. To prove this, let Facts be submitted to a candid world.


    It's up to YOU


  17. Our investment in this ongoing war has to be in the billions supplying both sides with money used to kill and destroy. Now this total does not include the billions we have been giving both sides for years. 

    Why does the wars we keep spending money on and sending our citizens to fight never seem to end? Can you put a price on a fighting man or woman's life???  If so, can you tell us all what they are worth? Are you willing to tell their family what they were worth to you???  Can anyone name a war that we have actually won and stopped the spending and killing since WWII with our money and soldiers? 

    So the big holiday truce and trade made you feel all warm and fuzzy as you actually believe that your country had anything to do with that. 

    Do you think that your country might have supported the stopping of the beating that the evil was taking (For awhile) for votes and BIG BIZZ profits???  

    There is huge amounts of money that is being made by greedy people and big BIZZ with the killing and destruction.  How are your stocks doing???

    Winning a war is not profitable for those that already have money and influence. 

    Disclaimer before my next statement.  I am totally against nukes and nuke energy production because mankind is too stupid to handle it. Mankind can't even figure out how to haul out it's garbage that it produces.

    Given that, I believe that history proved a point that saved millions of lives and ongoing destruction when we dropped two bombs that ended the war with Japan.  The rulers of Japan would have sent their entire population to it's death to beat us. 

    We don't need nukes to end the killing and destruction in the mid-east that is being promoted by a few leaders on both sides. 

    All we need is the resolve to end the killing and destruction even if it takes killing and destruction to make that happen. 


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