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Ridge Rider

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Posts posted by Ridge Rider

  1. I've read that they're plentiful in the New England states and Canada. But, I know that I read something somewhere a few years ago that they can be found in PA, it may have been on this forum. We've been pigging out on leeks, son brought us a five gallon bucket three weeks ago and another one on Mom's day, we love them! 


    In Mich we always used Mother's Day as a guide for Morels.

  2. Yeah, doesn't say much for all of those politicians and so-called progressives who want to mandate products containing these contaminates, eh?  I never thought I would see the day where so-called Progs backed and venomously defended :bow:  corporations with criminal fine rap sheets a mile long....Far leaning Cons yeah, but Progs?  That they somehow think injecting fungi - Well it just blows the mind!

  3. People are more likely to get sick from second hand smoke, having indoor pollution( Radon, carbon monoxide, incomplete combustion from oil or wood burning furnaces)  than any chemical residue on food. 

    People eating organic food are no more healthier than ones that consume non organic grown food.

    Monsanto's own study subjects disproves your claim.

  4. most vets that I know don't give boosters or any shots in the leg, especially on a joint like that. Did he slip on ice anywhere? Did he get a lyme's booster? Some animals will contract lymes from the shot. But he definately needs to see a vet as my mom's greyhound just recently passed from an aggressive form of bone cancer, dad had to carry him up and down steps for a week before the dr finally put him down. If he has arthritis already, could be a possibility. You said its hard, does it move at all? Does he cry when you try? Keep calling the vet, call the emergency # if needed, he's limping and already on pain meds sooooooo he needs seen. Good Luck and I hope I'm wrong.

    Would agree with you Bennyboy1.  I wonder how these vaccines prevent Lyme spirochetes in animals when spirochetes are considered indestructible.  I'll just never understand that. 

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