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Everything posted by jaman

  1. The funniest quote of this article is that Judge Paul Cherry had to recuse himself. NO JOKE! Thanks to his sister. His career in most probably is done too. Mom and Dad rolling in the grave.
  2. When a parent decides to cut off the weeny of the kid to be transgender,what is that kid going to think when he is a teenager. They lost their weeny and they cant have kids either "way" naturally, where does that leave them? Mentally destroyed.
  3. The US District Court today announced charges and lawsuit against a local building contractor (Tim Britton) for continually harassing female rental tenants. Their are multiple complainants with possibly more to come. This has been going on for at least 6 years.
  4. This thread was supposed to be a SUPPORT COMMUNITY THREAD. Not POLITICAL!
  5. Id take that bet. Its rare for it to be in one place for so many years.
  6. And the "Flock" followed. You get what you vote for. Well, that's what you get when you had a huge church in TREASURE LAKE. It has just got more "slippery". Salandra was on top of cleaning the sewer from the beginning. That will be missed.
  7. Dont be afraid to mention his name. Rev Whitaker. MY question to the "good" Rev is why get involved? And why did you single out the Twp Manager and And Supervisor SALANDRA not to have the consolidation meetings or inform them? I hope the mega church "flock" doesnt follow him. That doesnt sound too godly to me. VOTE SALANDRA. SALANDRA is the one who has smelt what has been happening from the beginning.
  8. Yes, it's always good to pray to God/Holy Father. But be careful of leaders who are really wearing sheeps skin. For personal gain.
  9. Once again it sounds like a few bad apples stirring up. Its a Veterans club for a reason. Its not a last choice social hall to go pound drinks. If their is NO smoking, respect the rules. Dont try to change them for selfish reasons. My family has served in service. My father was a 65 year VFW member and a 70 year American Legion member. Veterans and families of any war or service deserve a place to socialize after they are finished with serving our country. If you want to smoke and power drink, go to a local Ethnicity ( Polish, Italian, Slovak) club or Sportsman club. If its decendants of service members shame on you.
  10. Remember to vote SALANDRA! He has been on top of everything. Not a certain person , clergy, who is a friend of the Good Ole Boys Club.
  11. I dont know about which car model, Ive never had a Problem with my Hyundai at Stoltz.
  12. Dont worry. A couple more indictments of City politicians and the STATE will takeover. Then we will really go backwards.
  13. Regardless of the City nonsense that is going on, Dubois has a good thing for the community going on. 20 teams will be here visiting from around the country.. Eating, Lodging and spending money. Go to a game, Help out for an hour or 2 in the Concession stands. This is a big money maker for local business. Which employs PEOPLE. The area can not afford to lose this. It also looks good for the City. It will show that the people are above the politicians that run this city. And the weather looks good compared to the last 2 years. Dubois has the finest facilities for this in the nation of small cities. PSU Dubois and Clearfield County Tourism will take the lead. PS. To the current city politicians. Please stay away. Inevitable someone will ask what is going on. No distractions.
  14. And what happens if the AG does have the paperwork? It's a royal mess. It's ugly. Sides locally have been drawn in the sand. I keep hearing on TV JOsh Shapiro has presidential or Vice President ambitions. If it does indict and convict most of the players, that's quite a score for Josh Shapiro to tell people.
  15. Altoona and State College are on top of it. Im waiting for the Pittsburgh Media to pick up the story and then its going to break real loose. Maybe even Nationally. A City Manager, mayor and the whole City Council.
  16. You are right. And guess who the Chairman of the Consolidation Committee is, the infamous Treasure Lake minister Rev Whitaker. He was following orders from Toni Cherry. You have to ask why after a nice clergy career, now retired, why is he running against Kevin Salandra? What's in it for him? But remember,dare not question his faithful motives.
  17. Read today's front page of the Altoona Mirror. And that doesnt include the running total of Herm's criminal legal fees. There's your $270,000.
  18. Sounds ironic from the one who defied 2 Grand Jury Supeonaes. So where was their onsite legal counsel? You need to have someone their for legal clarification. But of course, they already knew this. No business could then be officially conducted. All of them need to be removed and start over. Until I see more indictments, nothing is going to change.
  19. talking to friends tonight, did you know If you set on a Board of Directors of a corporation or public organization or any kind of municipal council, you are responsible for the act of appropriately managing the funds. If you do not act, and its proved legally, not only are you responsible as a total group, but you can be individually, PERSONALLY, sued civil for not performing your civic monetary oversight in that position. I wonder what kind of legal advice each member of city council is receiving privately?.
  20. Or as Fedup says, continue to complain for the same government you vote for. If it happens this time, this area is set back another generation.
  21. VOTE SALANDRA. HE HAS BEEN ON TOP OF THINGS SINCE HE HAS BEEN ELECTED. Hes an accountant who knows how to budget and handle money. Who are the other candidates? Why do you think Rev Whitaker and Toni Cherry dont want him in(along with the Twp Manager) on the Consolidation?
  22. Just like a big percentage of the country, Im waiting to see if the people will actually turnout and react. If not, you get the same government that you have been voting for.
  23. Yes I like it. I use to have a Toyota Corolla. That was OK.
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