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Spawn of Bon

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Posts posted by Spawn of Bon

  1. Faith has had a few set backs in some ways but she is moving full throttle forward in many other ways! Faith has hit quite a few milestones in the past months! One of the biggest ones (besides her walking in the gait trainer) is that she finally discovered her toys! She now has the desire and motivation to play with her toys and can sit independently while playing with them! This takes a lot of processing, coordination and muscle strength for her to do something that is seemingly so simple but for her it’s very hard. Another thing she has learned is to sit up in the shopping cart unassisted! She used to lay down on her little cushion in the cart but now she’s ready to shop till mommy and daddy drop lol!



  2. I apologize once again for being on the quiet side,….I thought our summer would be full of fun in the sun…instead we were side tracked by Gastroparesis 

    well I guess the only way to start is from the beginning…
    In April Faith got transitioned from infant formula to toddler formula..a more nutritious formula that has higher calories and would benefit Faiths growth
    In May she began to gag..we thought it was from a uti (urinary tract infection)
    Then she had a cold and another uti at the end of May…we thought the gagging was from this but would improve once she felt better, 
    ….we were wrong…it got worse
    By June it was a lot of gagging and then vomiting once a week that increased as the weeks went by, 
    By July it was daily…daily vomiting 
    By august it was with every feeding 
    In the mean time we were trying to figure out what the cause could be, adjusting meds, stopping meds, trying new meds, spacing out her feedings, tried smaller feedings more frequently, changing formulas…we tried and tried
    I have not scrubbed my rugs so much in my life.
    Our life was literally, feeding, vomiting and cleaning..
    Then we hit another road block….she started getting constipated
    My little Jenga tower was falling apart 😞

    A few weeks ago Faith had a test done called a Gastric Emptying Test
    Come to find out Faiths digestive system is sluggish, she has Gastroparesis or..a lazy tummy…her stomach doesn’t empty food as fast as it should so when we were doing the feedings the formula was just piling on top of one another or sitting in her tummy too long to the point her tummy couldn’t hold it and would eject it…rather forcefully I might add, she looked like a busted fire hydrant when the vomiting would occur…
    We finally got medicines to help improve her digestion as well as help her constipation, which was also stemming from the Gastroparesis.
    So prayers that the medicines help her digest and the vomiting resolves 
    The medicine for the constipation is already working…very well lol




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