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Mosquito Plants


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Dip your cuttings in root starter... plant in potting soil....  Geraniums have the scent. Citranilla plants have the oil also. Lemon grass is also good for keeping Skeeters away :)

I have a patch of lemon balm. Don't know if it keeps insects away but it sure tastes good!!

We pick a bunch of leaves and crush them and put it in the jar when we make sun tea.

Also use it with olive oil and garlic on pasta.



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Citrosa Geranium.  Use a clean sterile sharp knife and remove cuttings from the parent plant about 4-5 inches long.  Cut on a slight slant.  If you have the rooting hormone by all means use it, but very sparingly.  Put them in NEW potting soil in a naturally brightly lit location or under grow lights.  Water very lightly.  When you see new growth, move them a little closer to the natural light.  If you see them stretching they need to be a little closer to the light but don't put them in direct sunlight till they get another complete set of leaves.  Then just treat them like regular Geraniums.


Don't let that Lemon Balm get away in the yard or you'll have it everywhere!

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Geranium cuttings are prone to a fungal disease which destroys them. Be very clean about all of your cutting instruments, pots, etc. Let them callus over before you put them in a sterile mix of some sort: vermiculite, perlite, whatever. This is done by letting them dry out for 3-7 days on clean newspaper. Newspaper used to have some antibacterial qualities; I don't know if that is still true or not.

There need not be leaves on the cutting but make sure you know which end is up.

Keep them damp but don't soak them.

I just remembered that I have a fellow gardener that roots geraniums in water. I can't do it and I don't know how she does it. Some people just have a knack.  They go against all the rules and things grow. Guess that is a green thumb in action.

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